September 22, 2023
Today’s Daily Devotional
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”
There is a problem when we ask the question “What would Jesus do if He were here?” Here’s the problem: He is here. He’s not far away beyond the blue peering down through the clouds saying, “You work it out.” He says, “I will come to you. I will abide in you now.” The Christian life is not lived by you; it’s lived by Jesus in you. If it’s lived where you live, it will be Jesus Christ living that life in you. That’s the secret.
It is better that Jesus went back to Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit. Most of us think, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just have lived back in the time when Jesus was here in the flesh, walking the shores of Galilee?” But the truth is, we have the advantage over those who walked bodily with Jesus. They experienced Jesus on the outside; we have His presence inside to guide us.
- What intimidates you about serving God? How does it encourage you to know God’s power is in you?
- How can you remind yourself that the Holy Spirit lives in you and will guide you each day?
Write out Galatians 2:20 on an index card and put it somewhere you will see it every morning to remind yourself of your identity in Jesus.
Listen to the Full Message
How to Do the Impossible | Part 1
John 14:12, 16-18
In this message, Adrian Rogers shares seven words that can build a marriage and cultivate success in the home.
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If you want to understand miracles, you’re going to have to become a miracle.
October 8 is Pastor Appreciation Sunday. Show your appreciation for your own pastor by purchasing this special book. Order today.