Text with Jesus app. (Image credit: Apple)

Where is AI leading us? I am very concerned, as Mary K. Pratt reports below, many experts worry about unchecked use of the technology. All this is above my pay level. BUT! Taking the human element out of things weighs on my heart and mind. Where is the discernment of God? I also have thoughts that AI apps will hurt Church attendance. The downward trend of people belonging to a Church is already a problem. Many Americans just do not go to Church anymore. Many Christians stay at home and watch their favorite preacher on TV or listen on their phone. Now they have this new AI-enhanced app. We are losing a key element of  life, the human touch. THE BODY OF CHRIST. Now the media is scaring people with reports of a new COVID outbreak. When we walk in Mariposa park in Taylor Ranch some people are still wearing masks, have been for years now. FEAR is a huge problem in America. As I say, we are talking the human element out of many things in our failing society. I do not think any of this is going to make us better people.

If all this technology that has come down the pipe in the last decade is to improve our way of life….why do just 4% of Americans and just 37% of Pastors have a Biblical Worldview?

About 64% of Americans call themselves Christian today. That might sound like a lot, but 50 years ago that number was 90%, according to a 2020 Pew Research Center study. That same survey said the Christian majority in the US may disappear by 2070

Steve Warren of CBN Reports:

If you could text Jesus a question, knowing He would immediately reply, what would you ask? What would you ask Jonah about his time in the belly of the giant fish? What would you ask King Solomon? Would you ask Daniel about his time in the lion’s den?

Now with the help of an AI-enhanced app, you can text Jesus and other biblical characters and receive an immediate response. More Here

Concerns about the potential misuse of artificial intelligence (A.I.) are escalating yet again after a prominent professor and philosopher said he believes A.I. could write a new Bible within just a few years.  More Here

Is AI good or bad? Many experts worry about unchecked use of the technology, while others believe AI could benefit society with the correct guidelines in place.

Mark K. Pratt reports More Here

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