‘The Birthday of the Nation Is Linked with the Birthday of the Savior’: Christmas and the Faith of America’s Founders


I love American History. It is has been my favorite subject since I was a little boy. I was born of July 4th, 1956. My daddy always told me I was a firecracker, not a dud! I love my Lord and my country. God founded America. I love this story by Steve Warren from CBN! God Bless you sir!

Thank you Steve Warren of CBN for this story!

When the United States was founded, Christmas was not celebrated the way it is today. While the birth of Christ was honored, and faith was central to the lives of many founders, History.com points out many popular Christmas traditions didn’t start until the 19th century. And Christmas was not even a federal holiday until June 26, 1870.

‘The Birthday of the Nation Is Linked with the Birthday of the Savior’: Christmas and the Faith of America’s Founders


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