President Ronald Reagan: The Great Communicator, The American Miracle, His Warning to America, So Profound!


God told me to post this today to alert those that did not live during Reagan’s time, to show them what a President of the Untied States of America is to be!

President Ronald Reagan’s Farewell Address to the Nation on January 11, 1989. Will we ever have another President like Reagan? None of the men who have held that office since, can hold a candle to him! Reagan talks about how parents need to be teaching them about AMERICA! He talks about INFORMNED PATRIOTISM! None of that shallow TRUMP stuff, which was the dumbing down of America, which resulted in part, to the attack on our Capitol two years ago on Jan. 6th. When you listen to Reagan it will show you how far we have fallen and what we need to do to have another American miracle! President Reagan really knew how to communicate with people, that is one of the main reasons for his success. The man also had awesome empathy for folks. Now, we sadly have a President that at times cannot even finish a sentence, Oh! How far we have fallen!

Pictures are from that very evil day, Jan. 6th, 2021.

I am very disturbed by the GOP not paying tribute to the families that lost loved ones on the anniversary of the Jan. 6th attack on the Capitol!!! JUST NOT RIGHT! SO WRONG! I do not even think Trump has ever apologized for the death of those Capitol Police Officers! I do not know what part Trump played in the attack on our Capitol, he sure didn’t call off the thugs, but as a President he should have consoled the families that had loved ones killed! Trump should have expressed, and still should, his sorrow as to what took place on that day. To rub salt in the wounds of Jan. 6th, only one Republican came to honor the heroes who died that day. What does that show our country? What does it show the world? What does that show our children? The GOP is at war with itself. A scuffle broke out during the voting for House Speaker. So very bad. We are never been so divided in this country, not since the Civil War! As I type this, I am very angry with these fools. They are destroying America, both parties are. You would think that the GOP would be on the right side of God, right? The Party of Reagan? It is now the party of Chaos. HORRIBLE! So many fools! How does the Bible describe a fool? I am an Independent, have been for years because being associated with either party would be like me belonging to a dysfunctional Church! I stand with God, not evil.

By the way McCarthy was finally elected House Speaker. Good luck with that.

Jan. 6 remembrance led by Dems as GOP wrestled with rebels

House Democrats, one GOP lawmaker mark Jan. 6 attack

GOP Chaos, Scuffle Breaks Out in Vote For Speaker

Kevin McCarthy elected 55th House speaker, quashes GOP rebellion with major concessions

How Did The GOP Ever Let This FOOL Santos Into Their Party?

Part of the problem I see in America is that many are becoming ‘numb’ to this evil! Many now are just turning the other way and avoiding the issue, most Pastors are. We are to stand in the gap for God, not avoid the evil taking place in our beloved country, which was founded by God.

Numb to Violence

From Charles Stanley:

July 03, 2020

A Nation That Honors God

Psalm 72

Because government is instituted by God as His “minister … for good” (Rom. 13:3-4), it functions best when leaders honor and obey Him. Throughout Israel’s history, God commended kings who followed His laws and worshipped only Him. The course of the nation was influenced by each king’s beliefs and behavior. Since this principle is still applicable today, righteous leaders have tremendous potential to affect their nation in a positive way. The Lord will guide and support God-fearing leaders who seek His wisdom and direction for their decisions.

As important as rulers are in determining a nation’s future, its citizens also play a vital role, especially in democracies where leaders arise from within the populace. Christians who share their faith and raise children in God’s ways can influence their nation’s values and choice of rulers. When both leaders and citizens align their views with God’s, the helpless are protected, the guilty are punished, and the innocent are vindicated.

Looking at our nation today, you might feel discouraged. But you can make a difference in your circle of influence by living compassionately and sharing the good news of Christ. The more the love and freedom of Jesus is understood, the more our nation can be blessed by its citizens.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 119

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