China’s President Xi Jinping Calls For Talks Between Russia and Ukraine

Ukrainian Citizens Prepare For Possible Nuclear War


AP News reports this morning that China’s President Xi Jingping and Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz have met in Beijing.  Scholz urged China to exert its influence on Russia, with the goal of reaching a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine.

Chancellor Scholz’ Beijing visit has drawn criticism because of China’s alleged behind-the-scenes support for Russia against Ukraine and other issues, including human rights violations.

President Xi reiterated a warning against the war in Ukraine becoming a nuclear conflict, whether from direct Russian attacks or the potential use of so-called “dirty bombs” designed to spread nuclear contamination in an uncontrolled manner. See the AP News report HERE.

Interestingly, Chancellor Sholtz is the first leader from the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations to meet with President Xi since COVID-19 was first detected in China in 2019.


AP News also reports this morning that Ukrainian citizens facing the possibility of nuclear attack are meeting this threat head-on with “grit and dark humor.” With roughly 40% of the nation’s utilities destroyed (so far) by Russian attacks, life has become exceedingly challenging.

Citizens are storing up supplies of available water, non-perishable food, firearms, ammunition, knives, first-aid kits, fuel canisters, camping stoves, two-way radios and even spare tires. Home windows are being sealed with packing tape to protect from radioactive fallout and preparations are in place in the event that a sudden evacuation becomes necessary. See the AP News Report HERE.

Let’s continue to lift up the citizens of Ukraine, and the political leaders of Ukraine, Russia, China and Germany in prayer. Only God’s intervention will effectively soften hearts, bring needed wisdom, and provoke Russian President Vladimir Putin to realize that his murderous activity, apparent war crimes, and the prosecution of an illegal war are not in the best interests of any nation. Lord have mercy!

Psalm 2:1 [NKJV] – “Why do the nations rage, [a]nd the people plot a vain thing?”

Isaiah 55:6-7 [NKJV] – “Seek the Lord while He may be found, [c]all upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, [a]nd the unrighteous man his thoughts; [l]et him return to the Lord…”.

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