Troubling Territory: Americans’ Views of Life’s Meaning and Purpose Are Changing


I see and hear it more often than ever, so many Americans are lost. They are hurt and confused, searching for answerers, many have left the many have lost any confidence in the leaders of America, the politics of America…I have heard so many stories, it breaks me heart. We are here at FGGAM are here to help. Email me at or comment below.

From Life Way Research, By Aaron Earls

As Americans attempt to move past the life-altering effects of 2020, their perspective is shifting on some of the most significant questions facing humanity.

A study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research finds, compared to a decade ago, U.S. adults today are more likely to regularly wonder about meaning and purpose in this life but less likely to strongly believe finding a higher meaning and purpose is important.

Americans are also more likely to contemplate whether they will go to heaven when they die but less likely to strongly believe there is more to life than this physical world.

“In the midst of such a discouraging season, fewer Americans are convinced there is something more to this life than their daily activities,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research. More Here

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