Sold Out… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Sold Out…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I love to travel; I love to fly.  I had the opportunity to fly to another state this weekend, but I had made a commitment locally I wanted to keep. I try hard to be a person that keeps her word.

I love the book of Esther. I love how God used this one woman to save a nation. She was a woman that was sold out to God. She was a woman that could fly.

We all could fly higher today, higher in our walk with God.  Are you ready to make a fresh commitment or ask him for more of him and less of you? Are you ready to fly? I am ready, ready to fly higher, sold out, on fire. How about it?

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for another beautiful day.  Just as the freshness of the new season is upon us, you take people’s lives and make them new again. Your love is amazing, refreshing and you are a faithful Father.

Father, thank you that we are free in you. John 8:36 tells us that whom the son sets free is free indeed. We truly are free in you. We are free to fly high.

Father, we join faith today and pray for our world, the one that you founded upon the waters. (Psalm 24) Thank you for pouring out your spirit as you said in Joel 2:28. Fall fresh on us today, we pray.

Father, we declare fall 2022 will be the best yet, Use us as you did Esther. We are ready to soar high with the maker of heaven and earth.  We are going higher. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Enjoy your life. Fly higher today, higher than ever before. You are soaring with the founder, flying high with the creator of life. Be sold out to him.



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