Time to stand and take down the Giants!

So blessed to share with you this very inspiring message from Pastor Bill Ruhl of Albuquerque! Pastor Bill is Vice Chairman of FGGAM! We are so very grateful to Pastor Bill for his godly leadership!
Time to stand and take down the Giants! April 15, 2020 I penned this after my cancer surgery:
Sometimes we declare to the mountain, “Be removed” and at other times God shakes the mountain with His presence. In the midst of a storm He declares, “Peace! Be Still!”, yet He may send us into a storm to walk with us. If we find ourselves thrown into the fire He may not extinguish the fire, but instead join us in the furnace. No matter what the circumstance we may be facing His sufficient Grace is always there to perfect our weakness into His strength. Yes, He’s got this and is always faithful, urging us to “Only Believe!”. That’s an Astonishing Savior! Jesus, the Name above all names!
Blessings. Papa Bill Ruhl
He’s still with me today… On the mountains, during the storms, and through the fires. As Doris Hernandez McGinnis says, “It’s all about practicing Him!”

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