George Washington’s “Rules” to Being a Great Man


It’s been said that George Washington actually had a set of false teeth made of
wood – that doesn’t appear to be true. And the story is that as a small boy, he
chopped down that cherry tree, and when asked by his father, he said, “I cannot
tell a lie. Yes, I chopped down that tree” – that story doesn’t appear to be true
But it’s easy to see why that story was believed to be true because George
Washington was a man of the highest character and integrity. Even when George
Washington was a young boy, he wrote his own what he called “Rules of Civility
and Decent Behavior.” He had over 100 of these rules that he strived his entire
life to live by. And because of his striving, he was highly admired and respected.
But amazingly, all of the attention and admiration he received did not go to his
head. Those who knew him best in life said that he continued to be a modest
man, even shy in the face of the honors bestowed upon him. Yes, George
Washington was truly an amazing man.
And because of who he was as a person, God chose to use him in a mighty and
powerful way. One big reason why America won the war for independence was
that those who served under Washington genuinely loved him and were willing
to follow him anywhere, anytime. So many of the men, long after their tour of
duty had expired, would stay and fight for Washington because they believed in
the cause – but even more, they believed in him – and God preserved him.
You see, all through history, we have read stories of people who’ve been given
a special gift or ability to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks – it’s like it’s their
destiny in life, their calling – and George Washington was one such man; he was
destined to lead America to freedom.
According to written accounts, he had many close brushes with death even
before the American Revolution. During one battle in the French and Indian War,
he served as a field officer under General Braddock. As the battle raged, every
other officer on horseback was shot down. Even General Braddock himself was
killed. But Washington, despite riding back and forth across the open Battlefield,
he was never even injured – and even Washington himself was amazed by this.
After the battle he wrote a letter to his brother. In that letter, he said, “After
the battle, I had four bullet holes in my coat, and two horses had been shot from
under me; although death was leveling my companions on every side of me, I
escaped unhurt”.

And just how did he account for his survival? He said, “by the all-powerful
dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human
Yes, George Washington knew that he was being protected by Almighty God.
And when George Washington went into battle, he never went without first
asking for God’s Help. There is one written account of a messenger looking for
Washington just before going into battle, with an important message. Where did
they finally find him? In the woods, on his knees, praying.
You see, George Washington was a man who prayed for America.
Want to be a powerful force in your own community, your own life? Be a
person who sets your own “Rules of Civility”, and then lives them, be a person
who is not afraid to stand up for what is good and right.
And finally – put all of your trust and hope in Almighty God – He wants to use
you today, right now!

May God Bless You!

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Jerry Stewart
Jerry Stewart is an author, a speaker, and a syndicated radio program producer. He and his wife, Kelly, have a network of over 400 radio stations all across America taking their feature programs. Jerry is heard each day on his “One Moment in America”, and his special patriotic holiday programs have been airing now for over 17 years. Jerry is a Christian who believes that America was born by God, and grown by God-fearing people who asked Him to help them grow it – and He did. But Jerry also believes that America as a nation has now turned its back on God, and that is why today we are in so much trouble and turmoil. He believes that without God directing and leading our America, we will/are losing our greatness. All of Jerry’s writings and commentaries are written to move you to a deeper walk, a deeper commitment, and to stir you to action. Do not miss what this man has to say.

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