Bible Study in The Garage at ‘The Wash’


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35

Life Verse for Pastor Dewey Moede

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24

I had such an amazing time this past Tuesday night with Rob Vanderslice who leads ‘The Wash’ Bible study from his home in his garage here in Albuquerque. Now this WAS CHURCH! This is CHURCH! This is what the Church is to be about JESUS! All People, babies, children, young people, middle age and older folks! All were present! I had not seen this number of children in a Church setting in a very long time! There were over 40 people in attendance! I have not seen that many in a Church in a long time!!! I see that amount and more when I do a funeral. Rob is so very down to earth and so are the folks that attend this Bible study! They all hunger for the word of God! They want the truth, not the ‘nothing noise’ of the world. Pastor Ed Solis was in attendance with his lovely wife Darlene, and Ed said to me, “This may be the future of the Church in America.” This is how the Church started. Salt of the earth people. It was so cool when I was speaking a young man about 12 raised his hand, and read scripture to fit into what I was preaching on!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME! To have a young man raise his and and feel he has the freedom to do that it so godly! He had the self confidence to do that! He wanted to walk me out to my car afterwards, he said, “I’m going to be your body guard.” Love it! Rob has created an environment that people feel they can participate freely in the Lord. Church should be about JESUS and all people, not about the Pastor. It brought back memories to me when people in the late 60’s started to meet in their homes in Minnesota to come together for study and worship. High School and Jr. High students coming together to study the Word of God. I have stated for years the American Church has fallen in love with fancy dancy, the need for the latest sound equipment, in architecture, big costly buildings, all sorts of new stuff…that is what it is, stuff, you can’t take that to heaven. I have not seen this passion for JESUS in a very, very long time. I pray this message preaches to you! By the way, ‘The Wash’ is baptizing many people next Tuesday. If you want to connect with Rob you can do so by clicking on the link below. Man oh man! I am all fired up! These folks really gave this old man so much encouragement!!! I needed to witness this! I so much LOVE ALL PEOPLE!!! Ask Rob about his ‘Bike Ministry.’

Please read these messages:

Voices: Paul’s teaching on churches’ responsibility for each other

America needs peacemakers not hate makers

Rob Vanderslice 

What a blessing to have Pastor Dewey Moede come last night to Bible study a.k.a. Church ((the WASH))) and speak truth boldly. Truth straight from the word of God. How to apply biblical truth to our lives. Encouraging us to get out and make a difference. To fulfill the great commission. Which was a command from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Iron sharpens iron I wanna encourage everybody. Get to church join a Bible study today is the day of salvation. Repent and turn to Jesus. He has his arms wide open ready to love on you no matter what you’ve been through no matter what you’ve done.

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