Look to God for all solutions, His Word never fails, do not look to politics, it is the playground of Satan! Look at us, we are destroying ourselves, we are a godless nation. Carry out THE GREAT COMMISSION now! Today!

Dr. Jim Denison wrote:

Our best Christmas gift for hurting people is helping them experience Christ. Who do you know who needs the Jesus you know? How will you give them what has been given to you?

What trials and tempests are you facing personally? Will you name them and bring them to the One who came at Christmas just for you?

The hymn writer offers us the hope our storm-tossed souls need:

In the world’s despair and turmoil
One firm anchor still holds fast,
God is on his throne eternal,
He alone the first and last.

Who or what is your anchor today?


Nothing surprises me anymore……The UN lost its original mission years ago…….Its turned into a rat hole. What do you think?

Facebook user Kelly Caudill also noticed the similarities and wrote about it in a recent post.

“Wow you just can’t make this stuff up…The new UNITED NATIONS sculpture for ‘Peace and Safety’,” she wrote, also including a large photo of the statue.


During the current times of taking down statues of historical figures due to the woke crowd, the United Nations has placed a giant statue in New York that resembles an end-times “beast” from the New Testament’s book of Revelation.

The U.N. recently tweeted a photo of the statue.

“A guardian for international peace and security sits on the Visitor’s Plaza outside #UN Headquarters. The guardian is a fusion of jaguar and eagle and donated by the Government of Oaxaca, Mexico.”

UN Sculpture Looks a Lot Like the End Times Beast Referred to in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13

(The Christian Post) In light of the Advent season of waiting, Louie Giglio, the pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia, shared with his congregation that Jesus is coming back “soon” yet many won’t make it to Heaven and some will be deceived by Satan’s “game” of deception.

“The enemy’s plan for you and for me, in light of the fact that Jesus is coming soon, is that you would get deceived,” Giglio preached in a sermon delivered on Nov. 29.

Louie Giglio Warns Many Will Lose Satan’s ‘Game’ of Deception Before Jesus Returns

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