Show The LOVE of JESUS Always


This past week I  had the blessing of being served by a lawn care man, Daniel from The Lawn Rangers, our auto mechanic, Greg from Albuquerque Fleet Auto and a Walgreens employee, I should had gotten her name! Sorry! All were so super nice to me and gave me awesome service! Sharon and I are so very grateful for all people, they show us the love of God! Remember its people that make the world go around, now I know that is old school, but that is what I grew up being taught and modeled!

Many are not showing the love of Jesus to the people who serve us all. Pressure is high to serve while working with a short staff. Remember, to show people the love of Jesus, give them love, they deserve it. Think of the workers as yourself…how would you want to be treated? Please be kind. If you claim to know Jesus, then act that way!

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
–John 13:34-35


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