How can I resist the sin of temptation?


How can I resist the sin of temptation?

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: How can I resist the sin of temptation? – F.T.

A: Temptation isn’t the same thing as sin, and it isn’t a sin to be tempted, but it is a sin to give in to the temptation.

At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus was tempted by the devil, but Jesus didn’t give in to Satan’s temptations. The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in every way, yet was without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

Jesus will …

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The Effects of Unforgiveness

For the sake of others and ourselves, God wants us to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
November 19, 2021
Matthew 18:21-22

Resentment has far-reaching and often unexpected consequences. Although bitterness takes root in the mind, it can spread into other aspects of a person’s life. For example, the hostility a man feels toward his father can color his relationship with his wife, his performance at work, or his involvement in church.

Most of us realize resentment impacts the mind, but have you noticed the physical toll it can take on us as well? An attitude of bitterness triggers tension and anxiety, which can affect everything from muscles to chemical balance in the brain. Over time, that kind of stress weakens the body.

Unforgiveness also causes spiritual turmoil that hinders a believer’s growth. It can stifle prayer and turn worship dry and hypocritical. That’s because it’s difficult to effectively honor the Lord while trying to justify or hide a wrong attitude. What’s more, resentment dampens a person’s witness.

Forgiving someone means giving up bitterness and the “right” to get even with him or her, even though you were wronged. And God insists on forgiveness not just for others’ benefit but for ours as well. He knows the damage that hostility and vengeance can cause in our life and wants to protect us from it.

Bible in One Year: Acts 23-24


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