Prayer At The Heart Of America

U.S. Chapel at the Geographical Center of the United States

We have courage in God’s presence, because we are sure that He hears us if we ask Him for anything that is according to His will. He hears us whenever we ask Him; and since we know this is true, we know also that He gives us what we ask from Him.
— 1 John 5:14-15 (GNT)

As you read this, prayer teams from all over America have set out to converge on the Geographical Center of America near Lebanon, Kansas on July 23rd. Beginning from eight points around our great nation, they are criss-crossing our land, stopping for “Calls to Prayer” at various pre-arranged points. There is also a caravan of motorcycles that are traveling the circumference of the continental US to arrive in Lebanon on the same day.

This national event is called, “Prayer at the Heart of America” and it’s an appeal to prayer to everyone who believes that God is able to heal our land and that He is our hope for revival and restoration (2 Chronicles 7:14). There is one sacrificial purpose for this event—to review the nation’s ancient commitments before God and ask Him to intervene.

For those of you in New Mexico, ministry leaders and intercessors will gather for a Call To Prayer in Albuquerque on Tuesday, July 20th, from 4:00 to 5:30 pm at New Beginnings Church, 4770 Montgomery Blvd. NE. We will meet with one of the eight prayer mobilization teams, led by Pastor Demetrius Miles, who are coming from California and Arizona on their way to Lebanon.

All who have a heart to pray for our nation are welcome at both gatherings so please do circulate this invitation to any others you want, indeed to all who have a heart to pray for the nation at this difficult, divided and potentially dangerous time.

We must pray, and we must pray together, in unity. This is a good time to start.

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