To Our Great Dads


Thank you Sister Ethel Ethel Maharg for this awesome Father’s Day message! Happy Father’s Day to your hubby Dean! God Bless you both!

My Favorite Right is Life!
June 18, 2021
Hello Everyone,
Sunday is Father’s Day, and we want to wish all you Great Dads an amazing day,
“Once a child is born, the absence—or presence—of a dad affects virtually every aspect of his or her life. Father absence increases the likelihood of infant mortality, abuse, dropping out of high school, running away from home, behavioral problems, drug use, prison, poverty, teen pregnancy, and obesity. When a center engages a dad, it gives him the opportunity to get involved in his child’s life so that he can: reduce the likelihood that his child is abused, watch his child graduate high school or college, see his child flourish in life at home, encourage his child to say no to drugs, give his child the opportunity to earn a stable income, teach his child self-control, and encourage his child to maintain a healthy lifestyle.” Roland Warren of Care Net National
Dads, we want you to know how much you matter to your families. There is an effort to destroy our families by taking our dads out of the picture because they know the impact you have. We can’t allow that to happen. Dads you are a big key to saving lives. We proudly stand with you as we celebrate you this Father’s Day. Thank you for being a great example for your families.
Thank you for what you do for the cause of life.
God bless,
My Favorite Right is Life!
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
RTLCNM | 2413 Wyoming Blvd NESte AAlbuquerque, NM, NM 87112

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