The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.

This message will make you think and pray! Too much of the Church is looking like the world! Much of the Church must start behaving itself! To much of the Church is chasing people away! Showing an unbelieving world just what it wants to see from Christians!!! But, as the writer says, I’m still hopeful!
I am reading Franklin Graham’s book, “Through My Gather’s Eyes” I strongly encourage you to read it!


Doctors often prescribe purifying the body of toxins. The Bible tells us how to cleanse the mind of corruption: meditate on things that are pure and virtuous (Philippians 4:8). It is God’s recipe for having the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:26) Do we? Franklin Graham in his book “Through My Father’s Eyes”


Billy Graham said, “True freedom in Christ consists not in the freedom to sin, but the freedom not to sin.” Billy continues, “Millions of professing Christians are only that—-‘professing.’ They have never possessed Christ. They live lives characterized by the flesh. Tens of thousands have never been born again. They will go into eternity lost.”
Billy Graham also said, “If God does not judge America for its sin, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!”
NEWS FLASH: God won’t be apologizing!!!!
From Christianity Today:
Attrition rates and leadership failures are only one part of the story.

A recently leaked letter from Russell Moore describes profound institutional rot, overt racism, and the toleration of sexual abuse inside the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). (His claims were later substantiated in leaked recordings.) The public square has been consumed with discussing this controversy, especially as the SBC annual meeting is underway.

But the problems Moore describes are not limited to one denomination. Many so-called “moderate” evangelical leaders—those who hold to historic orthodoxy and traditional sexual ethics but speak out on behalf of women and racial minorities—have similar stories to tell. It feels increasingly hard to find institutions in America that aren’t knee-jerk conservative or progressive.

The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.

Dr. Jim Denison Wrote this in response to the above post:

“My hope for the church”

Tish Harrison Warren is an Anglican priest and a wonderful writer and thinker. Her latest article in Christianity Today headlines, “The American Church Is a Mess. But I’m Still Hopeful.”

She surveys the bad news of our day: declining membership, young adults who are dropping out of church, and so on. But then she states, “Increasingly, my hope for the church is found in words that I recite each Sunday in the Nicene Creed: We believe in the Holy Spirit.”

Warren notes that “ground zero for the Spirit’s work is often in the very places where our resources fall short, where problems seem intractable and unsolvable.” She adds, “I believe that God is far more invested in purifying and strengthening his church than I am. I therefore live in the full knowledge that I cannot predict the future—I cannot even take a guess.”

We have a role to play: “Amid broken institutions, we attempt to become truth tellers and work for reform in the imperfect and incomplete ways we can.” But all the while, we can be confident that “the Holy Spirit is redeeming the church in ways we deeply need and cannot yet imagine.”

Here’s the bottom line: Our ultimate trust is not in the Supreme Court, the government, or our capacities to bring about the changes our broken culture needs so deeply. Our ultimate trust is in the Holy Spirit: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).

Read Dr. Jim Denison’s complete response at Denison Forum

Ponder this assessment from Timothy Dalrymple, President and CEO of Christianity Today:

“One group within American evangelicalism believes our religious liberties have never been more firmly established; another that they have never been at greater risk. One group believes racism is still systemic in American society; another that the systemic racism’ push is a progressive program to redistribute wealth and power to angry radicals. One is more concerned with the insurrection at the Capitol; another with the riots that followed the killing of George Floyd. One believes the Trump presidency was generationally damaging to Christian witness; another that it was enormously beneficial. One believes the former president attempted a coup; another that the Democrats stole the election. One believes masks and vaccines are marks of Christian love; another that the rejection of the same is a mark of Christian courage.”

Evangelical Division: Why Have We Christians Suddenly Become So Divided?

IRS Threatens the Tax-Exempt Status of American Churches!

The unraveling of the America we knew continues at a high rate of speed.

I just got off the phone with Pastor Paul Holt who has been warning for over 10 years that this would happen! Does this mean that every ministry will have their 501-C3 taken away?

So very thankful for CBN NEWS reporting on this story:

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) denied tax-exempt status to a Texas Christian non-profit last month, arguing it was not eligible for 501(c)(3) status in part because “Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the Republican party and candidates.”

Christians Engaged, an organization dedicated to educate and empower Christians to pray for the nation and elected officials, vote, and be civically engaged, was denied the tax exemption in a letter from IRS Exempt Organizations Director Stephen A. Martin.

First Liberty Institute, a religious rights law firm, is representing Christians Engaged and has appealed the IRS’s decision.

IRS Denies Tax-Exempt Status to Christian Non-Profit Saying ‘Bible Teachings’ Are Affiliated with Republican Beliefs

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