God Says, “If I were you, this is what I would do”, By Karen Rowe


Good morning Dear Readers,

If you are reading this today, then this is for you.  The Lord guided this Title to be seen Today:  God Says, “If I were you, this is what I would do.”  As an intro, I woke up this morning and picked up my glasses, Bible and a cup of coffee.  Today, the Lord inspired me to go outside and read on our front porch swing.  He impressed on my heart the truth, “It’s not cold.”  God never lies!  And, what else was wonderful, is that it was damp!  Surprising to me was that the dampness was an actual blessing to my heart and feet!  Had it rained?  I don’t know, but God knows!  I just sit.  Prayed.  Read things of Him & about Him.  Listened and responded to the Holy Spirit of God.  Below is the devotion that come from this time.

The Lord impressed on my heart to come here and write for you too.  As I was leaving the front porch, a squirrel caught my eye.  It was running and leaping across our fence.  My heart is so filled with joy … even thought my gut wrestled with concerns last night.  There is a peace in this world; and His Name is Jesus.  We can surrender it all to God; and trust all things in the Hand of God.

2 Chronicles 7:14 has not left my heart this month.  As you enter into this devotion today, think of how God says, If my people who are called by my name, (that’s us guys) will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear … That is typed by memory.  Please go to the Word and spend some time to hear what God will speak to you through this.

An encouraging word?  Fellow believers, we know you belong to Christ, (and if you don’t know, you better ask Jesus); just as I know I belong to Christ.  Let us be convinced & let nothing separate us from the love of God.  If anger comes and bubbles inside, know that the spirit of hate is not of God.  The spirit of Love is of God.  Pray about this too:  God is bigger than this world; and that means the election too.  Set aside all that God is over.  Pray, do your part (faith is the substance of hope -yesterday’s Devotion is still relevant Today), and trust God for the outcome.  Do not worry (worrying just questions God’s plan); and do not be afraid (trust God and follow Jesus.)  God will never leave; nor forsake you.

Now, I could write something more, but I won’t, because it is too raw in my gut, but God is over all these things too!  What I can say is this, …

Once, a long time ago, when I was in my 20’s, I had my 3rd molars removed by the Oral Surgeon.  I was a Dental Hygienist at the time and worked with very talented dentists and staff.  I was back to work and went home for lunch.  I made a grilled cheese; and something happened that scared me!  It had to do with a dry socket, but all I could see was the blood!  How did I respond?  I called work to tell them I couldn’t come back to work because of my socket bleeding a lot.  And I never called in sick to work!  Are you following my lack of spiritual thinking knowledge?  Fear is paralyzing.  I was corrected in my way of thinking … fear had me paralyzed to thinking I should stay away from my job!  I worked for a dentist for crying out loud!  Goodness, all theses years later and I still remember that like it was yesterday!  I changed my mind, went back to work ASAP / no delay; they seated me and vacuumed the “liver clot” out, which allowed my healing to take place.  No pain!

Why did I tell you that?  To introduce why we should never tire of gathering together with believers, which are fellow followers of Jesus.  We need to talk things out … to get our mind set right; and if we disagree; God will make things right.  We just need to show up knowing God is God.

Final thought … Be still and know that God is God is a good stand to take when people don’t want to hear / or can’t hear just yet.  Pray in secret for God to open their eyes & what you do in secret; God will reward openly.  For what God does for me, we can trust that God will do for His other children too!

My friends, don’t forget why you are here.  To love God, love others and follow Jesus.  Love God, Love others and make disciples.  Don’t forget to gather together …

I hope this is a blessing to you today.  I thank Jesus for the revelation and I praise God for the outcome!  We are just Planting seeds God gives; and watering the growth as the spirit protects, provides and guides.  All glory to God.  I honor and praise God for who He is!  God is Good all the time and all the time God is good.  God works all things together for the good of them that love Him.  Don’t forget the benefits of to forgive … this is Love.  This is God.  God is Love.  Amen.

Read the Bible and hear God tell you, “If I were you, this is what I would do.”  Glory Hallelujah!


Welcome to Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

Daily Devotion to God’s Holy Word.

God Says, “If I were you, this is what I would do”, By Karen Rowe

Thy KINGDOM come! Thy will be done! On earth as it is in Heaven! Thank you Jesus for this revelation!
Why do we have to gather together and agree on anything? Isn’t God there with you; as He is with me? And yet, the Bible clearly says in this Verse He has us looking at today:
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20 KJV
The Kingdom is not a solidarity, but a community! In Christ, Jesus makes us to be a community of believers! So we gather again; And I thank God and praise Him for what He will do … when Unity comes!
He is in the midst of us! As He is in the midst of this! Yes, if you are reading this, in the same spirit we are gathered together & our Lord Jesus is in the midst!
Let’s go deeper!
We talk about how we see things. Not about why we are right or wrong; but gather to share our revelations one with each other to grow deeper in how God sees … everything!
This pleases God! If we tell each other our burdens & pray for each other we share in this glory of God with us. If we talk about how we see things [even if differently], we can each respond to being corrected by God, because of His love for us. Unity!
But if we get angry with each other? How can we hear? How can we be corrected by God? How can we love our neighbor? We pray in our secret closet and respond as a peacemaker in the power of the Holy Ghost!
A community of believers; saved by grace!
Check this out! Does it fit?
And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
Matthew 25:20 KJV
I believe the Bible perfectly fits together! As is, His community is to fit together!
Saved by grace / not because we do or don’t! There is a blessing of gaining beside them 5 more!
Think about the goodness of God!
Too many times, people, like Job [& we may all have a little bit of Job in us] want to see our situation & isolation as God isn’t whom God is. Or, that we can see beyond Whom God is? A community of believers is God’s way, because the Kingdom IS come for God’s Glory!


God IS Love! Love is defined in 1 Co 13. Follow Jesus!

Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

Hope in Today Ministries Team:  Pastor Jesse L. Alston, Robert and Karen Rowe.

We need each other to get to where God calls us to go!




Jesus peers before us, so He already knows … Faith in Christ is where all blessings from God are discovered! Follow Jesus and Trust in God. There is no fear in Love, but perfect love drives out fear. That’s why there is a calm that comes over you when you hear the Word of God preached. And that is why fear creeps in AT you when you hear the media preach. JESUS calms the storms and there is no mountain Satan can build high enough that faith IN CHRIST can’t tear down. Jesus is the name above all names.



BUT LET a man EXAMINE himself,

AND SO LET him eat OF THAT bread,

and drink OF THAT cup.
1 Corinthians 11:28 KJV

FOR THIS CAUSE many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
1 Corinthians 11:30 KJV



And, Always Remember 2 Things!  No, Today, God gave me 3 things:

1.  When you receive this, you will never be the same!

2.  God for us.  God with us.  God in us. 

3.  Always Remember to come to ME (God, the Father, through and by Jesus) Before you go head on.

How do you find out How much God loves you?  How do you get from Point A to Point B?





Point A *Must Repent

Point B *Beginning of Being Born Again.

Step 1:  Being Born Again.

1st Step:  Repent.

1st Step to Being Born Again, Repent!  For the Kingdom of God is near to you!  Lord, I receive this!  I will never be the same!  The Kingdom of God is NOW!  Repent and Be Born Again to LIVE and Be set FREE from the law of sin and death (Pride and Selfish Ambition).

Believing on Jesus, 


After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version (KJV)

Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here!

And to God be the Glory!

Love in Christ,




Holy Spirit encourage the readers today. 

Lift our minds higher to God’s Thoughts. 

Bless those who will receive to receive.

  And, keep molding our hearts to be always ready to bloom for and to Your Glory God.

Thank you Jesus for the Life you Gave for us to have Life!  Father God, we praise YOU for the power and teachings you have provided for us to learn 1st HOW to have this life with YOU; and we Praise You for the teachings you have provided to us, so that we can Follow, stay and abide in Your Goodness, Grace and Mercy!  And, we Praise you Lord God, for the power of your Love with, for and in  us to abide in Your Realm of Your Kingdom:  Jesus has COME & Holy Spirit You are here; and near to all who call on You in  Jesus Name!


Help us to be a blessing; and we in Christ Jesus  pray …in the Holy  Spirit of the Most High and Holy God.



Our Mission is to be ambassadors FOR the Lord, in the POWER of HIS LOVE; … and that’s not ego (ambassador is defined as:  a person who acts as a representative (of JESUS) or promoter of a specified activity (LIFE & Blessings WITH GOD through and by Jesus the Christ, the Son of the Living God … FREEDOM in Christ…); to teach in the power of HIS knowledge; to minister in the power of His Spirit; and To God be the Glory!

If you have questions, we are here to help …

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.


…till next time! 

Love in Christ,

Karen Rowe

Personal Motto:  “I don’t have it all figured out, BUT GOD DOES … Follow JESUS!”
Personal Revelation Life Verse:  And we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and the one who remains in love remains in God, and God remains in him (1 John 4:16 HCSB)

Thank you Jesus!
Holy Spirit you are welcome here!

Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.

The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe


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Meet Karen: Hi, I am blessed, by God's good grace and because I know Jesus, I am blessed. I choose to be blessed, because I have a choice set before me and I refuse to look down. I trust God and I know and believe in the love God has for us. I have overcome difficulties; and I am blessed by the grace of God alone. If I have written about it, then I have felt the pain of it in some way, and to some degree. Did you know that Jesus has felt your pain? This is why I write. By God's grace I can identify; and tell you honestly, yes there is hope in anything and everything that you are facing today! Jesus is our Hope! He is the Truth, the Way and the Life. I am married a wonderful man, Robert Rowe; I love my husband and he loves me; and we have been married for 28 years. Together, we have been blessed with a wonderful daughter, named Amanda who is college now; and a wonderful son, named Daniel who is growing up well and soon to graduate elementary school. We work together and by God's grace we run our own business called PSI. We have a pastor over our ministry and over our business and also we depend on him for advise in our family. We have 2 dogs, 4 horses, 2 cats and love to spend time outdoors by the water and by campfires ... that is it seems when we can find time away from life's busy schedule. I love to write because it helps me learn more about God. And, I am driven by a passion from a love that God has put in my heart to share from my experiences and struggles, as I gain understanding in God’s Word to know how effective and powerful God is over our every situation! I share with you so you can know that you are not alone in your struggles. The same God who helps me and my family, is your help and shield as well! Life is not always easy, but it is possible –I like to share the difference that following Jesus makes in my life. And, I love to share God's patience and mercy and love that is with me! I am not perfect, but am experiencing God sanctify me through and through with every mistake I make; and yes, overcome in Christ! Life is not just about the successes; life on this earth is also about the troubles we overcome to discover what God has hidden in our faith to find! Troubles are more a challenge to grow in our faith ... It is not easy, but in the end the grace of God we discover is worth experiencing God in the midst. By Grace, I have discovered Jesus is Peace and He is my Joy and Wisdom from Heaven. God is our Provider and Healer and Creator, who is our help and shield over all things. By grace, I have experienced a nearness to God through my faith in His Son! We are well forgiven by God; and well blessed when we know and believe the love that God has for us. To say, "all is well with my soul" is a powerful knowledge to understand and experience. I sense God's desire for you to know His love for you and how deep His love for you is that He has SO loved you; God gave you His Son. God loves you right now just as you are! There is so much to learn! I believe that as we learn from God, we are God’s gift to each other. It is all God’s story –and for His glory; and God has SO loved us. I love to paint the vision that God has given me about a Father’s love –that God wants you to dream again and visualize His love for you! In God’s eyes, there’s more to life than we see; and in a world that sometimes misrepresents and misunderstands God and love; God wants you to have the courage to dream His dream and see His vision of a Father’s love for you! Many years ago, I prayed to God, “How can I tell a million people what I know about Your Son?” God showed me I had a gift of a ministry about God's Love; and He called it Hope in Today! I write to please God and I write to encourage you; and I write to spend quiet time with God. All because of this love that God has first shown me! I need Jesus –and my life is about my relationship with God. And, every blessing begins with Him! Love in Christ, Karen Rowe, Director Hope in Today Ministries, Inc. The Train Whistle, Sounding the Call of God’s Love, by Karen Rowe For more information: Contact me by email: karen@hopeintoday.com or karen@thetrainwhistle.com to request your gift today. www.hopeintoday.com www.thetrainwhistle.com

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