NM Senate Goes Home, The House Did Not, Cost to Taxpayers is $50,000 a Day, Speaker Out of Order!

Speaker Brian Egolf is so out of order!  What a power trip! Pray for New Mexico we are in very tough shape. Thanks to Rep. Jim Townsend, pictured above, we are so super blessed here in New Mexico to have Rep. Townsend! We have a first hand report:

Just to be clear, the Legislative Session did not end last night for the House of Representatives. We tried to end it but the progressives wanted to continue wasting a few more dollars. (The estimated cost for the session is about $50,000 per day).

Every Republican Bill was never heard. The speaker sent those Bills out of order to the Rules Committee to die. He never allowed the Rules Committee to reconvene. Purposely ignored the constituents of those representatives districts to force his political pressure, I am sure as he was instructed to by the Governor.

The Speaker ignored rules to advance his personally sponsored and promoted Bills. For example, House Rule 11-14-2 requires the Speaker to send Bills with appropriations to House Appropriations Committee for review. He knows that, he chose to ignore the rules so his political agenda could be quickly advanced.

On another occasion, 14 democratic legislators voted with Republicans to oppose a politically charged election bill change. That is when all hell broke loose. The speaker immediately picked up his phone called one of his Chairmen and had them move to Reconsider the Bill and adjourned to a Caucus meeting. Two hours later those legislators, with their heads held low, filed into the Chambers and enough of them changed their votes to Pass the Bill.

This is a perfect example of why New Mexico is so far behind the curve. In almost every ranked category; education, deployment of capital, seniors well being, children living in poverty New Mexico is ranked nearly last out of all 50 States and has been for years and years and we will continue being ranked last until change occurs and the people of New Mexico are allowed to speak through their representatives.

So on Monday morning, the House of Representatives will go back into Session alone, the Senate adjourned last night and went home, the House will reconvene and hear a memorial and a couple of other progressive bills and possible adjourn.

Representative Bandy of San Juan, on his last day of attending the Legislature, he is retiring, made the motion to Sine Di, but in unison that side looked to their progressive leader to see how to vote and followed their political orders as instructed. I’ll be glad, when the will of the people is more important than to whims of political leaders then and only then will the well being of New Mexicans be better.

Remember in November and vote for a change, vote for New Mexico, together we can make a difference that improves the lives of every New Mexican.


Legislature sends budget fix, election bill to Gov

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