Pastor Jude Sisneros: My Thoughts On This Stupid Toilet Paper Thing Going On

Pastor Jude is a man who just puts it out there! That why I love him so much!
Jude Sisneros

My thoughts on this Stupid Toilet Paper thing going on in this nation…

I did a study a few years back, and it’s definitely worse today… But let me share it with you…

On average a person lives to about the age of 75 years old, so all these statistics I’m putting down is based on a 75 year span..
1.) In a 75 year span the average person spends 26.5 years asleep.
2). In a 75 year span the average person spends 15 years going to school.
3). In a 75 year span the average person spends 13 MONTHS ON THE TOILET.
4). In a 75 span the average person spends 5 years waiting in lines, and roughly 6 months waiting at traffic lights.
5).In a 75 year span the average person spends 4 years doing housework, 1 year looking for lost possessions, and two weeks kissing another person.
6). In a 75 year span the average teenager spends 3.5 days a year looking at porn sites.
7). In a 75 year span the average person spends 2.5 years in a Cinema watching movies.
8.) In a 75 year span the average person spends 12 years doing nothing and taking it easy.
9). In a 75 year span the average person spends 3.6 years eating.
10). In a 75 year span the average person spends 7 years on the internet( probably worse now).
11). In a 75 year span the average person spends 9 years watching TV.
12). In a 75 year span the average person spends 11 years on Electronic Devices.
13). In a 75 year span the average person spends 3 years grooming themselves.
14). In a 75 year span the average person spends 2-17 minutes a day praying or doing church activities. That averages out to 730 minutes a year ( on the low end) 6,205 mins a year ( on the high end). So that means that ( on the low end) the average person spends half a day a year praying and going to church, (On the high end) 4 days a year praying and going to church. So to break it down more.. That means that in a 75 year span the average person spends (On the low end) 37.5 days in church or praying, (On the high end) 300 days Praying on going to church in a 75 year span So let me break it down a little further.. So ( on the low end) The average person spends 1 month and 7 days in a 75 year span praying and going to church..(On the high end) Only 10 months in a 75 year span praying and going to church.

So with that being said… Using the above statistics… In a 75 year span … The average person spends MORE TIME ON THE TOILET THAN PRAYING AND GOING TO CHURCH..

I close with this .. Ask yourselves this question.. What’s wrong with this world knowing this? It seems to me that this world IS GOING DOWN THE TOILET.. And we have a godless Governor that encourages us to continue with our worldly activities over going to church, and jumps on board with others spreading panic which leads people to do senseless things like buying toilet paper.. Smh..

Our world has just about reached the limit of God’s mercy. Mans pride and arrogance, greed and selfishness, violence and brutality have reached a level which is intolerable.. The suffering of millions caused by man’s inhumanity to man is appalling to those of us watching this drama play out on earth..
The end must come soon.. but to us that believe, I stand on the promises of the Lord..In Revelation 12:12” Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”

Some of the worst days are upon us.. And the the most important thing that the average person today can think of … Is toilet paper.. Lord help us all

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