PRAY TEAM JESUS: Austin Denton, Albuquerque Sports Broadcasting Legend, Dies at 18


Austin Denton’s life speaks volumes of love!!! May we all learn from the life of Austin. Our prayers are with his family and thousands of fans! KOB TV STORY

I love this quote, Austin sure was “IN ACTION”

Christine Caine

Jesus saw people and felt their pain, loneliness, misery, hopelessness and desperation — even when it was hidden in plain sight from everyone else. The Greek verb translated “had compassion” or “moved with compassion” in the Gospels is the word splagchnizomai. It means to be deeply moved in the inward parts. Today, we might say it means to be so moved we feel it in our core, deep within ourselves — in our gut. But to feel compassion is not only to encounter an emotion, it’s to be moved to action.

Austin did not let anything stop him from being in action and encouraging people and loving people! What is stopping you? More on the Life of Austin Here

I also love this from Dr. Jim Denison:

The urgency of our kingdom calling cannot wait. Author James Clear quotes an Indian proverb: “Every time you wake up and ask yourself, ‘What good things am I going to do today?’ remember that, when the sun goes down at sunset, it will take a part of your life with it.”

What good things are you going to do today?

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