Raise Your Level Of Expectation… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Raise Your Level Of Expectation…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. What are you expecting? A friend that tuned into my radio broadcast Destiny Moments, called me after listening to the program on Saturday. Pastor Darlene Bishop had shared an acronym of BELIEVE that God had given her. BELIEVE: Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everytime. Now that’s good! How many times do we read the words pray, believe and receive in the Holy Scriptures? Many. Those words really touched my friend as God highlighted that portion of the broadcast to her. Let’s ask him to put it a little deeper in our hearts today. Let’s praise him for the victory and for the victories to come. Let’s not give up, but stay in faith believing. Amen? Amen. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you that you hear every prayer. Every day when we call on you, you tell us to stay in faith believing. Father, you know all things, see all things and you tell us to believe we will receive. Father, forgive any unbelief that has crept in. We believe Emmanuel, God with us. Today, we raise our expectation as we journey into the unknown. Do great and mighty things in us and through us we pray, for your glory alone.

Father, thank you for victory! Amen.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Praise him while you are waiting for your victory.

So that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:5




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