So very sad……..this is another reason I am a registered Independent. It has been a long time since New Mexico has had a Governor that would follow Biblical principles…both Democrats and Republicans have failed this state. We remain last in so many vital categorizes, no matter who is in control. We need to give control to God and follow His ways. Thank the Lord for the oil and gas money coming in…we would be sunk without that cash.. It is interesting how politicians take credit for all that money coming in from oil and gas…..and they spend it like there is no tomorrow. I pray the politicians don’t mess that up! Politics is not the answer, JESUS is!!!
Post The Ten Commandments in the Roundhouse and in the Governor’s office!
But, then again, so many Churches in America do not post The Ten Commandments, it is not a popular thing to do in many Churches. When I was a little boy we were taught The Ten Commandments right away in Sunday School……
When is the last time you heard a politician say that they were guided by God and The Ten Commandments?
Politicians are ruining our country. The WW II Generation is said to be our greatest ever generation! What will we be remembered for?
Democrat candidate for President, Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, stated in his speech “The Prince of Peace” (New York Times, Sept. 7, 1913):
“A religion which teaches personal responsibility to God gives strength to morality. There is a powerful restraining influence in the belief that an all-seeing eye scrutinizes every thought and word and act of the individual.”
Dr. Billy Graham stated in accepting with the Congressional Gold Medal, May 2, 1996.
“We have lost sight of the moral and spiritual principles on which this nation was established — principles drawn largely from the Judeo-Christian tradition as found in the Bible …
There is hope! Our lives can be changed … The Scripture says, ‘You must be born again’ …
Think how different our nation would be if we sought to follow the simple and yet profound injunctions of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and the Sermon on the Mount.”
“What’s heartbreaking, what’s truly concerning and what really is disgusting is that $2.7 million of those $5 million in settlements were done in secret without process and without a proper investigation,” New Mexico State Auditor Brian Colón
I am so very sad to report this news…….this pot of muck has been sitting around for months if not years. It is now being exposed. For the longest time we have heard about ‘not good things’ that went on in the Susana Martinez Administration. I interviewed her the night she was elected as the first woman Governor of New Mexico live on KKIM. The Governor promised me and the listeners of KKIM live on the air that night she was going to stand strong for God’s babies. That did not happen and the Governor never would meet with me after that. Abortions continue in our state, we kill God’s babies everyday. One time when I was in Santa Fe I was promised a meeting with the Governor by her top aide, I waited about an hour in the lobby…no meeting took place. Broke my heart.
I just got this press release from the Republican Party of NM:
Republican Party of New Mexico
Contact: Mike Curtis
The following is a Party statement regarding the State Auditor’s findings involving legal settlements in the previous Administration:
“The Party believes all public officials should be held accountable for their actions, held to the highest standard and that all governmental activity should be honest and transparent. No one is above the law. In addition, it is imperative that any such settlements never be a burden on New Mexico taxpayers.”
I am very sorry to say that it seems to me that the Governor’s office changed her. Martinez seemed to lose interest in the job and set her eyes on D.C. She did not have people around her that believed in the sanctity of life. I am very sad to bring you this news of secret settlements the Martinez Administration made with people who had complaints, it cost us taxpayers MILLIONS! It is documented. KOB TV REPORT
The Republicans wasted all those years with their person in the Governors seat. It turned out to be the do-little-sit-more administration.
The ABQ Journal calls it ABUSE OF POWER: Journal Report
From Dr. Jim Denison:
A Pew Research Center study reports that only 48 percent of Americans now consider themselves to be both “religious and spiritual,” while 18 percent say they are “neither religious nor spiritual.” But 27 percent say they are “spiritual but not religious.” Their number has grown nearly 50 percent in recent years.
By comparison, Pew Research Center estimates America’s evangelical population to be 25.4 percent. The Baptist population is 15.4 percent. According to an authoritative study, only 20.4 percent of the US population attends church on any given week.
This means there are more “spiritual but not religious” Americans than Americans who attended church last Sunday.