Iran Blames Israel for Gulf Tensions



Headlines from Jerusalem, 13 August 2019

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” Ephesians 2:10


Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy, Rear Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, recently told the Lebanese news agency Al Mayadeen that “Any kind of presence of the Zionist Regime in Persian Gulf is illegal as it may trigger war and conflict in the region.” Without citing any reasons why he might think there were Israeli warships in or near the Persian Gulf, he added that his government is doing everything it can to maintain peace and stability in the region despite unending “provocations” by Israel, the US, UK and Iran’s Arab neighbors. These sentiments were echoed by other Iranian officials in recent days.


IDF Navy Leads Large Multi-National Earthquake Drill

In yet another defeat for the movement to Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) Israel, the IDF Navy hosted ships from 10 foreign navies in recent days for a massive joint disaster response exercise in the Eastern Mediterranean. Operation “Mighty Waves” brought together ships, aircraft and sailors from Israel, the US, Greece, France, Cyprus, Canada, Ireland, Germany, Britain and Chile, as well as a delegation from NATO, to practice procedures for assisting recovery efforts from a large-scale earthquake.

US Army Formally Purchases Iron Dome Batteries

An official with the US Army’s air and missile defense modernization program confirmed on Monday that the Pentagon has signed a contract to purchase two batteries of the Iron Dome system, which was jointly developed by US company Raytheon and Israeli defense firm Rafael. The IDF has deployed the Iron Dome system and credited it with shooting down hundreds of incoming rockets in recent conflicts with terrorist organizations in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip. Several other militaries around the world are reportedly interested in acquiring the system.

Casspi Officially Signs Contract with Macabbi Tel Aviv

Israeli athlete Omri Casspi formally announced on Tuesday that, following a 10-year career in the NBA, he is returning to Macabbi Tel Aviv with a three year contract. “I am coming home to Maccabi Tel Aviv, back to where I grew up and learned how to play basketball,” he said. “I was 13 years old when I first arrived here and I am proud and excited to once again be wearing the Maccabi jersey with the Magen David on its back. This is a great privilege.”

Netanyahu Congratulates New President of Guatemala

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement Tuesday morning, saying “I congratulate Alejandro Giammattei on his election as President of Guatemala. He is a friend of Israel and I am convinced that together we will strengthen the excellent cooperation between the countries. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friend, President Jimmy Morales. During his tenure, relations between Israel and Guatemala reached new heights, thanks also to his correct and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the Guatemalan Embassy there.”


The Emerging Gulf-Israel Alignment and the Palestinians
R. David Harden, The Hill

Trends are accelerating an emerging regional alignment between the Gulf States and Israel. First, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Israel collectively regard Iran as an existential threat to their states. The differences with Israel over the future of Palestine are less consequential than the perception of the Iranian threat and the need for a tacit collective counter-strategy.


History of the IDF

From the early years of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel, defense organizations were formed to protect vulnerable communities. Out of this embryonic beginning, today’s mighty Israel Defense Forces has emerged to continue the mission of protecting the State and its people. In recent years, the IDF has expanded its scope to include leading humanitarian aid missions to victims of natural disasters around the world. This is their story.


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Today’s news was written and compiled by Aaron Hecht.

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