Please Pray for Frank and Sylvia Hall!


I just got this prayer request from Margaret Harwood, who is the daughter of Frank and Sylvia Hall of Reserve, NM. Frank and Sylvia are such Dear Friends of ours. I have gotten to know them very well from Preaching at FBC in Reserve where Frank and Sylvia are members.

Hi Pastor Dewey. This is Frank and Sylvia Hall’s Daughter. Requesting prayer. Dad has fallen twice and mom fell and broke a rib. So dad is at Genesis nursing home in Belen room 114 B since mom can’t take care of him right now. And mom is mending at home. I will be moving down to Reserve soon to help them out.

God Bless, Margaret Harwood

We are praying for your Mom and Dad! We are praying for healing, strength and peace, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

We are also praying for you Margaret as you plan your move to Reserve!

Bonnie Armstrong of FBC in Quemadol, NM leads us in prayer………

Dear Lord we ask in the name of Jesus let these dear people feel your presence, healing and leading their family as they deal with the care of Frank and Sylvia. I pray , dear Lord, you be glorified in all of these trials, in the Name of Jesus I pray.

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