It’s For The Living And The Dying…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


It’s For The Living And The Dying…


If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:18

Father, thank you for salvation. You paid the price that we would have life. As we live our lives in you and through you, you make every crooked way straight. Even in death we have no fear. For you are always with us.

Father, every day is a joy as we live out the journey you predestined for our lives. Because of your glory we have the assurance of life and life more abundantly here on earth (john 10:10) knowing someday we will spend eternity with you.

Father, today we celebrate once again all the promises you have given us. Your Word is forever settled and will not return void. It is truth, it is life and it is glorious. As we journey today, thank you for the opportunities to share the goodness of God. The good news of His resurrection power permeate the earth today, we pray. Open the door to share the love and compassion of our living Savior, Jesus Christ. Empower the body of Christ and add to the numbers daily. (Acts 2:47) Amen.

Have a glorious day God’s beautiful people. Have a Glorious Day!

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