Anne Graham Lotz Annouces That She Has Breast Cancer, Pray With Us


We are in prayer, we pray for complete healing for Anne Graham Lotz, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!

Christianity Today Reports:

“What fuel has the Refiner added to the fire as He works to reveal Jesus in and through you? He has recently stoked the fire under me!”

So began yesterday’s revelation by Anne Graham Lotz, the “best preacher in the family” of Billy Graham (according to her late father himself), that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

More Here

The Spirit of God

I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.

John 14:16, NKJV

The same Spirit that hovered over the surface of the deep in the second verse of the Bible is the same Spirit that fully indwelt Jesus Christ. (John 3:34) In John 14 Jesus speaks of Him as the Spirit of truth, (John 14:17) because He always works through the truth, which is incarnate in Christ and written in the Scriptures. (2 Pet. 1:21) He is also referred to as the Counselor because He gives wisdom, direction for living, and understanding of the truth. (John 14:16) And He is called the Holy Spirit because He is totally separate from sin. (John 14:26)

This wonderful Spirit of God is available to live within you when you repent of your sin and, by faith, invite Jesus Christ to come into your life as your Lord and Savior. (John 14:17) In fact, without the “seal” of His Presence in your life, you have no eternal credibility with the Father. (Eph. 1:13) But with the “seal” of His Presence you have the guarantee of a heavenly home and all the blessings of God.


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