New Wildfire Breaks Out in Catron County NM, Pray For Rain!


Hot and Dry is the Forecast

KOB TV Reports:

CATRON CO, N.M. – A wildfire has broken out in the Gila National Forest.

The Ranch Fire has burned between 300-400 acres. KOB TV Report

Please join us in praying for rain .

The Buzzard Fire in Catron County has burned over 48,000 acres at last report:

The Buzzard Fire, at 48,170 acres is 82% contained. On the west portion of the fire crews will conduct indirect firing operations to limit fire spread. Direct suppression efforts will be employed on the fire’s southern flank as opportunities arise to safely do so. Aviation resources will also be employed to aid in suppression activities.

Catron County is dry as a bone. Please pray with us for rain.

Gila National Forest – Ranch Fire

The Ranch Fire was reported at approximately 3: 15 p.m. on June 21 and appears to have began north of Saliz Pass. The fire is approximately 10-20 acres and has crossed US Hwy 180.  U.S. Hwy 180 is closed at Mule Creek and all the way to Reserve NM Hwy 12. Cottonwood Campground has been closed. Initial attack crews and air attack has been ordered and Engines are on scene.

For information on the Gila National Forest, check out our website at or join the conversation on Facebook at or follow us on Twitter @GilaNForest.

I posted this on June 19th:

I could see parched land all around me on my travel to Reserve, New Mexico this past Sunday to preach on Father’s Day at FBC. I saw elk with the cattle, they needed water and feed. I saw one elk outside of Magdalena dead by the road. The rains helped bring down the Buzzard Fire in Catron County, we PRAISE GOD!

The rains here in Albuquerque were so refreshing! It perked things up! But we need a lot more to catch up! We, the Body of Christ, need to seek the Lord daily and ask for rain.

Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit. James 5:18

ABQ Journal Report

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‘Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.’ —John 4:18

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