Prophetic Turkey Arising

Daily reporting and analysis of current events from a biblical and prophetic perspective
Bill Wilson
Prophetic Turkey arising

NOTEWhen writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus–the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Turkey’s dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan has characterized Israel as a terrorist state and its leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, a terrorist. Erdogan used as an illustration Israel’s response to the terrorist group Hamas’ organized march against the Israeli border. Netanyahu then pointed out that it is Turkey under Erdogan’s leadership that is murdering its own Kurdish people, as confirmed by many human rights organizations. Netanyahu said, “The most moral army in the world (referring to the Israeli Defense Force) will not be lectured by someone who for years has indiscriminately bombed civilian populations.” Turkey’s influence in the Arab world was accelerated by the former US “president’s” support of Arab Spring.
In April 2012, The Jerusalem Post reported, “Turkey has been one of the biggest winners of the Arab revolts, as people around the Muslim world look to its ruling Justice and Development Party as a model for combining Islamic values with economic growth (the number of Egyptians expressing approval for the Ankara government grew 22% since April 2011 to 37%).” The New York Times wrote in January 2012, “Supporters credit Erdogan with elevating Turkey’s profile in the Middle East, turning the country into an increasingly assertive regional player at a time when several of its neighbors are locked in sometimes violent struggles for democracy.”
Case in point: After a two-day visit to Iran 8 years ago, Erdogan told reporters that an Israeli attack on Iran would devastate the entire Middle East. Erdogan made the point of saying he shares concerns with the American “president” at the time that an Israeli attack on Iran could trigger a regional war. The Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reports that Erdogan also sided with Iran by saying the International community is turning a blind eye to Israel’s “250-300 nuclear warheads” while trying to stop Iran’s peaceful nuclear program. Erdogan was acting as a bridge between Shiite Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt which promotes a return of the Islamic Caliphate.

The Islamic Caliphate/Ottoman Empire, headquartered in Turkey, was one of the longest lasting empires in history spanning 624 years from 1299 to 1923. It ruled over much of southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Its control over the Middle East was far greater than the Roman Empire. Some scholars now believe that a revived Ottoman Empire is the one prophesied by Daniel as the end-time antichrist system. Also the antichrist army of Ezekiel 38 is led from specific locations in Turkey–Magog, Meshech, Tubal. Also Christ is quoted in Revelation 2:13 that Pergamos is “even where Satan’s seat is…where Satan dwells.” Pergamon is in Turkey. Turkey arising–a sign of these prophetic times in which we live.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson
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Ghana: Food + Water = Transformation for the poor

A water truck being loaded with water from our water system for needy households
By Pastor William Agbeti

[NOTE: This is an account of just one of many clean water, feeding and clothing programs conducted by The Daily Jot and our ministry partner Redeem West Africa in the rural areas of Ghana, West Africa. Your donations that make this possible–Blessings, Bill W]

A young African mother, holding a plastic bucket in hand, set off this morning on a 5-minutes walk from her little makeshift home to the Redeemer House, with the hope of fetching water.
On arrival, she was told the water system had developed a fault and was being fixed, and would not be ready until probably the next day. Her countenance changed all of a sudden. The joy with which she came, singing all the way, dissipated. Hope was gone. She didn’t know what to do. There was no other place within a short distance to go fetch water. Being poor, buying sachets of water for her household chores was obviously out of the question. She left with sadness written all over her face.
Undoubtedly, lack of clean water would bring along in its trail various forms of water-related stresses for this young mother and her family; not to mention water related diseases and possible deaths over the long term. The family may have to do without cooking of meals, washing of clothes and utensils today. The stress increases when one has to go to town, school or work, without showering in this 100 degrees-plus weather, with high humidity.
The same goes for food  – the types of stress the poor deal with when there is no food on the table or in the stomach is unimaginable. A case in point is that of another young mother and her little child of six who came to our free feeding program last month.  Both were hungry and desperate for food. As two disposable bowls of cooked food were handed over to them, the mother set one side and ferociously started eating the other with the child, completely oblivious to onlookers. In this part of the world, like elsewhere, hunger and inability to obtain food can create a vicious cycle of stress for many.
Children line up to fetch free clean water from our ministry faucet
The situation leads to child labor, child trafficking, juvenile delinquency, child prostitution, child sales, and various other heart-rending conditions. In Ghana, many parents are reported to have sold their children for less than $5 each, in order to put food on the table!  Reports reach us from various other poor communities about very young school girls selling their bodies in prostitution for as low as $1 per swing!
In the light of the above and others, we at Redeemer MINISTRIES have come to learn the hard way that Food + Water = Transformation.
“The little food and water we regularly give out to the needy go a long way to help transform individuals and whole communities. Our water project at Amrahia in a rural section of Accra, and our monthly feeding programs deep inside rural areas, bring about hope, change and inspiration to many; even if it’s for a day!”–Pastor William Agbeti
Some children waiting to be served with free meals at one of our feeding programs.
Without these little efforts, the situation could be much worse, with a spill out that could easily affect individuals, families and communities all the way in the US, for instance, through illegal immigration, refugee crisis and human trafficking.
Therefore, anytime you donate towards the provision of food and water to the poor rural folks in Ghana, know that you may be doing it for yourselves – for your own good.

The Daily Jot is totally reader supported. My wife, Chris, and I do not take a salary or receive any remuneration for this work. Your gifts go directly to assisting us in maintaining this column, the website, outreach, and the Lord’s work we do in Ghana, West Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,

Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot

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