The Power of Sin


Power is the force with which something or someone performs an action. Two forces are always at work in our lives: the force of good and the force of evil. These two forces, are constantly working to overtake each other in our hearts and in our lives. Today it might seem to many that the force of evil is winning the battle….but the war has only begun!
The recent hurricanes, earthquakes, the protesting and now the horrendous shooting in Las Vegas….how much more will it take for us to realize that we have to stop messing around and choose a side? Many cannot understand why a loving God would allow such tragic events to happen, but I believe it is because of sin….why did the great flood happen and Noah need to build an ark? Because the people had become so sinful and refused to believe. Maybe a better question is: Why have God’s people allowed such evil to become dominate in so many areas of our lives?
In this world, Satan only has the power that we as humans are willing to give him. He and his followers are working overtime because he knows time is running out. God’s power is everywhere and is confirmed to us through His Holy Spirit living in the hearts of His people. Both powers have the ability to overtake us, but we have a choice as to which one we allow to do so. Too many have chosen the way of hate and the devil is delighted to see this progress for his agenda. God, on the other hand, weeps for the ones caught up in the lies and urges His followers to keep doing good, so that no more will be lost. In order to be on the winning side in this life or death battle we face everyday we have to be able to shake off the power of sin that threatens to take us down.
Shaking off and destroying the power of sin is in a way like losing weight. It takes determination and a desire to see results. In the battle to lose weight we are constantly being tempted: “How much harm can one cookie do? Go ahead, you deserve a reward for all your hard work. Eat it today, you can work it off tomorrow.” Every one who has ever dieted can relate to these temptations, these thoughts that try to turn us back and prevent us from successfully reaching our goal. Satan uses the same tactics in his battle to turn us away from God and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
We must not be discouraged by the devastating events taking place in our country or give in to the idea that all hope is lost. When the people of Israel finally reached the promised land they saw the size of the enemies they would have to defeat and decided they were out-numbered and out-sized….it was too much. So God, because of their lack of faith, made them wander in the wilderness for forty years until the next generation took over.
Let us not lose this battle with the evil, that is threatening our way of life, by insisting that God and His laws be pushed aside, because of lack of faith. The enemy is a big one and a powerful one for sure….but no power is stronger than the power behind the name of Jesus Christ. Now is not the time to cower in fear or give up, but to fight! Let us who know Him put on the full armor of God and meet sin head-on…. knowing, as David did when he faced the giant Goliath, the battle is the Lord’s. He will deliver us out of the hands of evil. Prayer is our most powerful weapon as it moves the hands of God to create in us a new people…. determined to see that no soul is left behind and to prove that the power of sin is no match for the power of God’s love.
Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.


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