Ken Widelski is a Dear Friend of FGGAM. Ken has been on duty in Texas in his role as an Emergency Response Meteorologist. Here is his report to us:
National Ops Center: Emergency Response Meteorologist at U.S. National Weather Service (NWS)

Back home perhaps temporarily to rest up a bit. The enormity of the situation in Texas hits pretty hard. I lived in that great state for 7 years and have a number of fond memories of great times on the Texas coast, in the Hill Country, and even in the Houston metro area. Some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met.

This is a once in a lifetime type of weather disaster, unique to its own. My heart goes out to people that are at ground zero, experiencing this tragedy head on, those that have lost loved ones, friends, properties, and their way of living. It is immensely difficult to leave a place one day then return to nothing the next.

It is tough to break news to people telling them that this storm will continue to bring catastrophic impacts to the same battered areas repeatedly for the next week. We are never guaranteed pleasures and privileges in life, they can be taken from us in a split second. Never take a single day or breath of life for granted.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those impacted by Harvey. And also to the brave and courageous employees of the NWS that sacrificed their lives to bring life saving warnings to help protect life and property while their own families and properties were in harms way. And to the first responders who don’t think twice to risk their own life to save another. You are all an inspiration to me.


From our Dear Friend Pastor Leonard Navarre of Lubbock, Texas:

We are witnessing the devastation in Texas especially in Houston. Some Friends of mine have evacuated. Others have stayed behind to face rising waters. One friend said they were dry one minute then 2 feet of water in their home within 15 minutes. Entire freeways are now waterways. Saw one Preacher going one submerged car to another looking for stranded motorist. As an estimated 50 inches of rain to fall on Houston and surrounding areas we lift our voices to our God.
Father God please protect the residents and responders. We pray and lift our voices over this overwhelming situation. Please keep people safe and provide encouragement and strength as they unite to replace, repair and rebuild their lives. Father God give fellow citizens encouragement and strength to help those in need. We pray for your coveting on this devastating situation. In Jesus name Amen.


Water ‘is swallowing us up’: Catastrophic floods hit Houston

Rising floodwaters from the remnants of Hurricane Harvey chased thousands of people to rooftops or higher ground Sunday in Houston, overwhelming rescuers who fielded countless desperate calls for help.

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