My Mom, Ruth, The Greatest!


My birthday is July 4th, my Mom Ruth would be 87 on July 5th. My Mom was a strong women of God! Her Bible is all marked up with underlined verses and comments. She did not just read the Bible, she lived it! An awesome testimony. People say my Mom was quiet, yes she was, but her testimony speaks volumes to this day.

Mom was an awesome wife to my Dad, she worked with him in his duties as the Transportation Director for the Windom, Minnesota Schools and as Assistant Fire Chief. This was before cell phones! Mom would take many calls during the day for Dad at home and at night regarding school bus matters. Mom also was head cook at Winfair Elementary. Mom and Dad had us kids in Sunday school as soon as we were old enough. They gave us kids a strong Christian foundation from the start.

Mom and Dad gave their lives to the people of the Windom area, they served so wonderfully.

The picture I have posted is my Mom’s graduation picture from Windom High School and Mom and Dad with son Lars when we had visited them in Windom.

Mom and Dad both passed onto glory at age 64. Dad of a sudden heart attack and Mom of cancer.

The life that my Mom and Dad gave me, is one reason I preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know how important it is to be raised in a Christian family! They taught me well!

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Eph 6:1

Children and Parents
1Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this isright. 2“Honor your father and mother” (which is the first commandment with a promise),…

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