Today’s Windom Revival Radio Program: How to Defeat Anxiety!


We can decide that God is not who he says he is. We can let our questions keep us from experiencing his transforming love and sustaining grace. We can trust our doubts more than we trust our Creator.

Or we can decide to have faith in our Father even when we don’t understand him. The harder it is to trust God, the more we need to trust God.

Which option do you choose today?

Please turn to Matthew 6:25-34

How can we overcome anxiety?

I posted this late yesterday………

Clara Nelson from Windom called just now to say she is looking forward to the Windom
revival radio program in the morning at 7:45! On KDOM 1580 am and 94.3 FM and on KWOA AM730 at 9am! Clara also said she is so excited for Windom Revival 2017 at the BARC Nov. 10 and 11!!! Please pray for us! Also Clara is telling others about our radio program! Would you also do so? We would be so thankful! We are also thankful for those that support our radio ministry in Windom and Worthington Minn!

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