PRAISE GOD! PRAISE GOD for the supporters of FGGAM! We are able to start this Sunday on KWOA 730AM at 9am with our Windom Revival radio ministry program. We are also able continue on KDOM 1580AM and 94.3 FM at 7:45 am Sundays! All this is possible because of the great God we serve and for the dear supporters of this ministry.

Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ is what we are called to do. Building up the Body of Christ! Amen!

There are two ongoing prayer groups meeting every week in Windom.

Patricia Dunnick is one of God’s prayer warriors in Windom, please contact her or send me an email if you would like further information. Clara Nelson is another one of God’sDewey life verse faithful prayer warriors, We are blessed to hear from people in the Windom area on how God is moving in their lives! 

As Pat Dunnick says, “Prayer is more powerful that an atomic bomb!”

Prayer changes everything!

Join us in prayer for the Windom area… much good news coming out of the area!

There is economic growth in the Windom area, because of Spiritual growth.

How can we pray for you?

We keep going forward on the road that God has placed before us. Thank you for your love, prayers and support!

Remember, as Pastor Jerry McCullah says, “A praying church is not a fighting church”

The peace of Jesus and unity in Him, be with you all.

I want to add, because of the love of the Windom area and supporters of FGGAM we are able to continue scripture ads in the Cottonwood County Citizen to encourage people! It is wonderful to be able to share scripture in the Citizen and encourage people! You never know who reads it, and we pray they soak it up! For God’s Glory Alone.

I was taught early to carry out the Great Commission…..

The most famous version of the Great Commission is in Matthew 28:18–20, where on a mountain in Galilee Jesus calls on his followers to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Remember to set your clock back tonight before going to bed so you don’t miss Church and the radio program!

In the news
Image for the news result

4 November 2016 • 6:03pm … The end of Daylight Saving time in the US signals the onset of …

More news for daylight savings time ending 2016

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