It Used To Be Perfect


It Used To Be Perfect By Alan Wimbish

The Presidential election is upon us…once again. For months now, many candidates have come (and gone) promising to make everything perfect. Everyone has a plan to either restore things to the “good ol’ days” or make what we have now even better. I have given thought to the future utopia of 2017 and beyond and one key element keeps ringing in my mind…perfection. We, as a nation, are looking for a solution for the mess that has been made. Our nation embarked on a great experiment approximately 250 years ago. An experiment to create a perfect society based on law, order, Biblical principles, and sound economics. Don’t get me wrong, I think we live in the best country in the world and it’s because of these principles that we enjoy what we have now. But, the fact remains that every heart craves for something better than any government can create. I think this craving for a “perfect” world is rooted in the fact that we are created by a holy and righteous God. When God created Adam and Eve, he placed them in a perfect garden, on a perfect planet. Everything God does is perfect. The third chapter of Genesis starts with this perfect scene, filled with two perfect people, and by the end of that chapter, that perfect world and perfect people are no longer perfect. Mankind fell into sin and it has gotten worse ever sense. Adam and Eve recognized their sin and began to try to fix things by sewing fig leaves together to cover their nakedness. Mankind has been trying to “sew” fig leaves ever sense then by coming up with a plan to make everything perfect again. It will never work. But there is hope! An often glanced over verse, verse twenty-one of Genesis 3. “The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.” God gave grace and made a way (temporarily) for their sin to be covered. Think for a minute about that animal that God killed in the garden; his perfect garden. God had to kill an innocent animal in his perfect garden because Adam and Eve had sinned and were trying to cover it up. God had to skin that animal and took its skin and made acceptable coverings for them both. You see, no matter how much we try to plan and come up with a way to make a perfect society, it will never happen unless God is on the throne of our nation. God has made a way for things to be perfect again; it’s through his son Jesus Christ. God gives us a glimpse of the coming Messiah in Genesis 3:21. One day, the Bible says, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13). In that day there will be no candidates running for office, no political commercials, no scandals to try to rationalize. There will be one King and there will be no end to his kingdom!

As you vote tomorrow, please pray for our nation, pray for our children as they will be the future leaders of this great nation. Pray that the children of New Mexico and America will be reached with the Gospel while there is still an open door into the public schools and neighborhoods. Pray that we will once again be a nation that calls out to God! If you would like to know how you can be a part of the next great awakening (reaching children with the Gospel) call me or email me and we will put you to work changing the course of America for God’s glory.


Alan Wimbish

State Director

Child Evangelism Fellowship of New Mexico


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