So Many Wonderful Pastors Have Blessed Us


Bill Ruhl and Monica

This program aired on KDOM Radio in Windom, Minnesota this past Sunday. The Windom Revival Radio program is at 7:45am Sundays.

Praise God For our Pastors! This is Pastor Appreciation Month!

Pictured is Pastor Bill Ruhl and his angel wife Monica who have been so instrumental in my life, and the life of Sharon as we started FGGAM.  Bill is Vice-Chairman of FGGAM. Monica is a writer for us!

I get sad when I do a program like this because I can’t mention everyone’s name that has super blessed me! I know all will understand! Amen!

I have had such a blessing of having so many wonderful Pastors in my lifetime. I also have a ton of Pastors for friends, through all my years in Christian media. Then to become a Pastor in October of 2009, WOW! what a blessing to serve. I have many Pastors who guide me to this day here at FGGAM. I hold myself accountable to them. One of the duties that the Lord gave me when He established FGGAM, was to help people get connected to a Pastor and Church. A big part of the challenge we have here in America is that many do not go to Church. I know first hand the Godly impact a Pastor can have on ones life! Amen!

My first Pastor was, Pastor Kuamme of the American Lutheran Church in Windom, Minnesota. As I type this post, I have in front of me a book that Pastor Kuamme gave me, he was a kind, gentle soul!

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