Good Morning Beautiful People… Do You Believe Joel 2:28? How About Zechariah 4:6?


Good morning beautiful people, good, good morning. My first thoughts of the morning were on Joel 2:28 and to that I got so excited. I wanted to repost this writing and to share the sense I get about the timing of Zechariah 4:6. The time is now. Yipee, Yipee,Yahaa!

Today, the weather was so beautiful here in Maine. Campgrounds I’m sure are filled to capacity across this state as folks are enjoying the freshness and the beauty of the rich Maine land. The Way Life Should Be is our state slogan. Tonight, I had the privilege to attend with a few friends a church service held in the large Tabernacle at Whited Bible Campground in Bridgewater, Maine. I spent a week as a camper there myself as a child (which seems so many years ago now). I’m not sure why I never returned. Maybe because of family finances or maybe my own personal fears, I just don’t recall. Tonight, a few tears came to my eyes as I shared with friends on the journey home the memories that came to the forefront of my mind of those days as a young girl.
Tonight, I add a new memory, one never to forget. I love the Word of God (Bible), just love it. I sat in my seat and read the sign over the platform. This is what it read; I will pour out my spirit, Joel 2:28. I read it and re-read it, read it again and again and again. That banner with the scripture on it captured my attention tonight like never before. I read it, prayed it, declared it and believed it as Pastor Benny Jones stepped up to a wooden pulpit they pulled from storage just for him. He brought forth the anointed Word of God standing behind a handmade pulpit that had carvings that read Jesus Saves. I am so thankful for salvation. Some things change but not Jesus and yes he does still save.

I chuckle as I recall in my mind Pastor Benny saying as he preaches the Word, I’m gonna have a spell. I’m not sure what exactly that means, but I get so moved by the Word of God, I want to shout something myself (I am really, really quite reserved, really). He said God make us a bold church, obedient people and may we confess and turn from our sins. He taught on unity from the book of Acts. The upper room, even Jesus mother Mary was there praying in one accord with Peter, James, John and the others (Acts 1:13-14).
I’ve heard it said many times; as Maine goes so goes the nation(s). Lord, I declare your Word. Joel 2:28, I will pour out my spirit. The time is now, the season has shifted and the awakening has already begun. Jesus saves, He surely does. Can you believe?

It’s camp time again and I am preparing to go tonight. It’s exciting to be here for such a time as this. I loved the sign hanging this year, remember another favorite verse. It’s Not By Might Nor By Power But By My Spirit Zechariah 4:6. To that let’s all shout Amen!

As I prepare to go tonight, I can’t tell you the expectancy I have in my heart. I just can’t wait.

Let’s pray…

Father, you said it is not by might nor by power but by your spirit. God bring us together in one accord as we pray and believe your Word. We thank you for Joel 2:28. We thank you for watching over your Word to perform it. We declare your Word over Maine this morning and God we thank you as Maine goes so goes the nation(s). We believe Jesus Saves. We join our faith with other believers around this globe and thank you for the greatest outpouring of your spirit upon the earth.

We are not settling for the ordinary, the mundane. No Lord we are thanking you today for pouring out you spirit. Thank you for the greatest outpouring this world has ever known.

Here in Maine we are standing united, were together and we receive the Word of the Lord! Together, we believe, and we are ready to receive. Amen.
Praise Him, shout, have a spell, His Word does not return void….

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