Protest ABQ Drops Postcards Exposing Religious Pro-Abortion Democrat Senators

4.25"x6" Post Card Template

By Tara Shaver

Albuquerque, NM- Protest ABQ has mailed postcards into the neighborhoods of New Mexico state legislators that were delivered to hundreds of homes this week.

Sen. Michael Sanchez (D), Sen. Bill O’Neill (D) claim to be Catholic, yet they consistently defy their Catholic faith. O’Neill has voted against every pro-life bill that has come before him in the Senate Public Affairs Committee. Sanchez assigns senate bills to their committees, which has prevented pro-life bills from floor votes the past two years. Subsequently Sanchez has been championed by the likes of Planned Parenthood, the nations largest abortion provider.

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, The Protest Priest with Priests for Life issued the following statement:

“Since we founded Protest ABQ, we have been dedicated to ending preborn child killing. We will continue to expose the truth about why New Mexico is the abortion capital of the Southwest. It is clear that the elected Democrats here in New Mexico, including many Catholics, support preborn childkilling and far too many Republicans, including some who call themselves prolife, condone preborn childkilling.

If we are prolife, we should be doing everything in our power to stop the slaughter of the innocent and if we are Catholic, we should obey our Catholic faith above all else. What has been happening here in New Mexico is a moral scandal that must be exposed and be brought to an end.”

The postcard mailed into their neighborhoods read, “Senators Michael Sanchez and Bill O’ Neill Defy Their Catholic Faith By Supporting Murder”

“Given such a grave situation, we need now more than ever to have the courage to look the truth in the eye and to call things by their proper name, without yielding to convenient compromises or to the temptation of self-deception.The moral gravity of procured abortion is apparent in all its truth if we recognize that we are dealing with murder…” Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae 58

Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D) claims to be a member of the United Methodist Church, yet he has consistently voted against every pro-life bill that has come before him in the Senate Public Affairs Committee. Ivey-Soto also helped Albuquerque city councilor Pat Davis with GOTV efforts when Davis was running for office.

The postcard mailed into his neighborhood reads, “Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto Disparages His Christian Faith and Women By Supporting Abortion”

“I know the “devastating damage” of abortion, both personally and professionally. Abortion was intended to help and free women, but it has instead brought pain and misery into the lives of many people, male and female. As followers of Jesus Christ, and as The United Methodist Church, we must offer more than a quick fix: we must love them both.” By Rev. John Bright, Virginia Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

The citizens of New Mexico deserve to know that their elected officials are “putting politics before Jesus and his babies and this is a form of idolatry!” stated Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Priests for Life. Pre-born babies are murdered in the latest stages of pregnancy in our state and Jesus did not lay down His life so that we may ignore this reality that has so negatively impacted New Mexico.

Bud Shaver, Pro-Life Missionary & Executive Director of Protest ABQ, on The HUB of New Mexico internet radio station to discuss the postcard campaign that was done to expose pro-death Democrat Senate boss Michael Sanchez as well as Senator Bill O’Neil & Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto. Listen online:

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