We Need God’s Vision Not Ours


When a church embraces God’s vision, they go from being lukewarm to HOT! When a church embraces God’s vision, there is stability, Joy and excitement! When a church embraces God’s vision, they suddenly understand where they fit in to God’s plan and eternal purpose! When a church embraces God’s vision, they no longer care so much about THEIR OWN DESIRES, but work TOGETHER to fulfill GOD’S DESIRE! It just stands to reason that God is not going to allow His church to fail as long as they are working together as HIS BODY, serving togetherdewey cup as HIS CHURCH, desiring to have HIS VISION, and striving to do HIS WILL!

There is nothing more beautiful or peaceful or fruitful than a body of believers who understand God’s vision for their particular church and are working together in unity to accomplish God’s will for that church! Amen!

Now, please listen to today’s podcast.

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