Two NM Dept. of Transportation Highway Workers Killed


FGGAM NEWS just received this news release..we are in the war room praying for the families and co-workers.


Statement Regarding Deaths of NMDOT Highway Workers


(Santa Fe) – This morning, two of our NMDOT family members out of Roy Patrol were killed in an automobile crash on NM120 while performing highway maintenance duties. Anthony Rivera, from Rainsville, was detailed to the Roy Patrol from the chip seal crew throughout the winter. David Eggert, from Wagon Mound, was stationed at Roy Patrol. Both men were dedicated and hardworking members of our team, and we will miss them very much. Our sympathies and prayers are with their families and friends as they grieve.


The men and women of NMDOT have difficult jobs and are at risk every day while performing their duties. This tragedy reminds us to reflect on their efforts and to recognize their dedication and commitment while on the job. We will continue to do all that we can to keep our workers safe.


Note: Statement should be attributed to NMDOT Secretary Tom Church.pray-664786_640

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