The Islamic State, Genocide and Helpless Old Men


The United States House of Representatives has unanimously passed a declaration stating that the Islamic State is guilty of committing genocide against Christians. This resolution is not in any way binding on the US State Department or the President of the United States to agree with such an assessment nor does it require any action be taken, but it was done so there you go.

The State Department and for that matter the president have thus far been, shall we say, reluctant to make any statement to that effect because of the triggers it would pull and activate international law should the US formally recognize what is apparent, the ISIS is committing genocide in the Middle East.

You may or may not have noticed silence in the media regarding the Islamic State over the last few months as we have been distracted by the bluster or maybe its circus of the presidential spectacle, I am afraid this is by design as we are much better entertained by name calling and thirteen year old bravado than engaging in any serious thinking about choosing a competent leader and how this affects the kingdoms of the world.

In fact, the beast is growing stronger and digging in deeper to prepare for any serious challenge should one ever come from any nation on earth. The Islamic State has little reason to worry though as President Obama ignores the genocide and frankly so does the rest of the world.

The Islamic State is becoming so bold that they have made a video of an old frail and weak mostly toothless gray haired old man hoping to enter paradise by sacrificing himself to that old false war god of Islam by suicide bomb.

The video shows this old man who can barely climb into the seat of his bomb laden truck to detonate himself as close to the enemy as possible in the false hope that his life could have meaning and he could guarantee entry into a paradise that does not exist for him.

The Islamic State is an agent for the anti-Christ this is readily apparent, the evil empire uses young children, old men and enslaves young girls for sex even giving them birth control to allow them to continue uninterrupted.

Yet, the best we can hope for from our leaders is a declaration that the Islamic State has committed genocide against Christians. Will the United States Senate also pass such a declaration and force action from the United Nations; I am not holding my breath.

We are moving deeper into the post American era and a time when the United States no longer cares for helping the helpless, we have returned to our isolation where we allow the despot and the dictator to have their way with the powerless.

Many from inside and outside the country has cried out for America to mind her own business and stop meddling in the affairs of nations.

We see this as the president is working to pull out of Syria but we should remember that the United States was given great power to make a difference in this world. The bible tells us that if we see our neighbor being overwhelmed by his burden then we are obliged to help if we can.

So while we know what is right, we need more than words. We need to stop evil when we see it and help the helpless before we become the helpless and are overrun by evil.

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