She is Not in the Limelight, She is the Light!


Dear FGGAM Family,

I am so blessed to be married to Sharon! It his her birthday today! We PRAISE GOD for her life. A year ago last month she became a grandma for the first time. What a gift! I would not be the man of God that I am without her! Ever since God pulled me out of radio and into full-time ministry, Sharon has been right by my side. I have learned much from Sharon. One of those is the unconditional love of Jesus, patience and understanding of others, but at the same time standing strong on our core beliefs. Not always answering our critics in a vocal way, silence in many cases is the best. Let them see Jesus Christ. She has taught me and the kids much and now she has granddaughter Lilith.

You see, the strongest and wisest person is not always seen or heard from everyday, that would be my Sharon. She is the backbone of our family and this ministry, I do not have the words to tell you how I feel about her. When I met Sharon I did not have two pennies to rub together, but she saw something in me and has helped bring what God had placed in me, OUT for God’s Glory alone!

To just share a bit more on Sharon she is a nurse….an RN at the University of NM. We all know the qualities of nurses, the heart, the care, the understanding, this girl shines for Jesus. Patients, co-workers and Doctors just love her! Even thou all our children are adults, they still come to her for advice.

She is not in the limelight, she is the light, the light of Jesus!Dewey and Sharon in OctSharon and Baby

Proverbs 31:10-31

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. …

This is from my angel wife Sharon, who happens to be a Registered Nurse:death in hospitalThis story was posted in our weekly department newsletter and it made me cry.  As nurses, we do not often get thanked for all the hard work and long hours we put in.  I want to thank the author of this story, whoever you are.

Somebody asked:  “You’re a nurse?!?  That’s cool.  I wanted to do that when I was a kid.  How much do you make?”  The nurse replied : “ How much do I make?  I can make holding your hand seem like the most important thing in the world when you’re scared.  I can make your child breathe when they stop…I can help your father survive a heart attack.  I can make myself get up at 5am to make sure your mother has the medicine she needs to live.  I work all day to save the lives of strangers.  I make my family wait for dinner until I know your family member is taken care of.  I skip lunch so that I can make sure that everything I did for your wife today is charted.  I work weekends and holidays because people don’t get sick Monday thru Friday.  Today I might save your life.  How much do I make?  All I know is… I make a difference.


  1. wow! First of all Happy Birthday!! Thanks for sharing this beautiful message and also My wife is a nurse and that story about the nurse you also shared is right on! What a powerful message as well as a powerful message about your wife and what she means to you Pastor Dewey!! God Bless you both as He has for so many year!!

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