Happily Thankful For YOU!


By Bud and Tara Shaver

Today as we spend time with our children cooking, playing and just being together as a family we are reflecting upon all that we have to be thankful for. 

At the top of our list is YOU! 

You make it possible for us to make sure that New Mexico’s leaders are being held accountable so that they know we want them to stand for life. God has placed each leader in their position of authority for such a time as this.

You make our weekly protest presence incredibly powerful and effective.

You are the reason why the general public is being educated and we are able to keep the pressure on as a pro-life ministry.

We thank God for each of you who sacrifices to stand with us for our pre-born neighbors, and for those who faithfully pray and give with cheerful hearts.

In spite of efforts to thwart and silence our Christ centered, life affirming message we press forward! We are thankful to be in this fight for life.

Because of your support we will be sharing with you a new development this next week about our effort to ensure that presenting the pro-life message in the public square remains constitutionally protected in Albuquerque.

You are invaluable in this battle for life and to furthering the kingdom of God as lights shining in the darkness.

Thank you for all that you do for Jesus and the “LEAST of His children,” may you be richly blessed today.

“As God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.”  2 Corinthians 4:15

For more information about our Christ centered, Pro-Life ministry efforts in Albuquerque, New Mexico please visit:

ProLifeWitness.org and ProtestABQ.com

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