Protest ABQ Joins Pro-Life Waco For First EVER Dawn to Dusk Overpass Protest


By Bud Shaver

Tara and I have been busy lately, our family has gone through a big transition and there’s just a lot going on.

We have been keeping most of our efforts local by focusing on NM leadership and other groundbreaking projects that we hope to announce more about soon.

The ministry of Protest ABQ that we co- lead with Fr. Imbarrato exists to protest, expose and hold accountable those who perpetuate pre-born childkilling in NM. We hold weekly protests throughout ABQ each week that are always peaceful and law abiding.

Dawn to Dusk Overpass Protest:

Protest ABQ is joining Pro-life Waco and other groups in an all day overpass protest to educate motorists and passersby about Planned Parenthood and what abortion does to pre-born children. Leaders will be present the entire time so please stop by and join us as your schedule allows.

Date: Tuesday, September 22nd Time: 7am-7pm

Where: I-25 pedestrian overpass protest north of Cliff’s Amusement Park. (6000 Brentwood Ln NE  will get you there, west of San Mateo.)

“The ‘dawn to dusk overpass demonstration’ is the brainchild of Pro-Life Waco director, John Pisciotta, who says the first overpass outreach began on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade this past January and has since inspired others to schedule similar events in other cities.

In Tuesday’s first ever dawn to dusk overpass event, Pisciotta hopes to engage over 100,000 travelers on I-35 with the message that abortion kills children and Planned Parenthood must be defunded. He notes, ‘What we’ve decided is that we have to be the media in our signs, in our person, in our words.'”

Here’s more information about this unique all day Overpass Protest:

Pro-life groups takes abortion outreach to major highway overpasses in two state

From Carole Novielli’s report:

Abortion Overpass event 8557587539444271414_o

“What we’ve decided is that we have to be the media in our signs, in our person, in our words,” stated John Pisciotta, Director of Pro-Life Waco.

Messages the group will display include: Abortion is never okay, #PPSellsBabyParts, Defund Planned Parenthood.

PPSellsBabyParts Prolife Waco 76581756547_n

Pisciotta said that he also plans to have his latest billboard truck with the message:

“Babies are for kissing. Not killing and harvesting for profit.”Prolife Waco babies killing not harvesting abortion Planned Parenthood 99783173861_n

“Protest ABQ stands in solidarity with Pro-Life Waco and other groups who are determined to shed light on pre-born child killing in the public square,” said organizer Bud Shaver.

Protest ABQ has done these events in the past, but is planning to be at their location all day to coincide with the Waco demonstration.


“It is our hope that thousands will see the truth and have a change of heart as a result of our overpass protests on September 22nd,” Shaver added.


[Protest ABQ will have Truth Truck rolling throughout DISTRICT 6 all day September 22nd too!]

Pisciotta called the September 22nd 7am to 7pm event an “unprecedented event for unprecedented times.”

“You can never know the full impact of an event like this,” Pisciotta added stating he is hopeful they will persuade mothers who may be considering abortion to choose life.


The Waco event will take place at the I35 pedestrian overpass near Baylor University, in Waco. You can get more information by contacting Pro-life Waco at or join the group’s events page on Facebook.

Protest ABQ is planning to conduct their outreach off I25 in Albuquerque at 6000 Brentwood Ln. NE.  For more information contact Protest ABQ at

Photo images credit: Pro-life Waco and Protest ABQ.

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