If You Worry a Lot, Then Day After Day You Are Learning How to Worry Even Better


If you worry a lot, then day after day you are learning how to worry even better. If you think about doing something a lot, then you are learning how to think about doing. Every moment you are happy, you are learning how to be even happier. Every time you act, you are learning how to take an action even better. What is it that you’ve been learning today? What is it that you want to learn tomorrow?

FGGAM QUOTE OF THE DAY! Taken from My devotional today. should i worry 4should i worry 3should i worry 2


  1. I didn’t realize true this was until my son went to prison. As a mother we naturally worry about our children. As a mother of an only child in prison that worry was magnified. I’ve learned through all of this that I have trust God. Worrying is not going to fix anything. It’s not going to bring my son home sooner. Worrying is not going to bring my family and friends closer to God. I am so blessed thankful to be able to count on the FGGAM family. Thank you to all of you. This ministry has been a huge blessing to me.

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