Who Is Telling The Truth at Albuquerque Public Schools on Child Sex Abuse, Background Check?


The dirty soap opera continues at Albuquerque Public Schools. Despite the change in School Superintendents it seems that APS is as dysfunctional as it was, or worse! This should be alarming to all! Hiring a man facing CHILD SEX ABUSE CHARGES IN DENVER!!!!???? as Deputy Superintendent? To make matters worse we now have a report in the Albuquerque Journal that Superintendent Luis Valentino knew that the background check on Deputy Superintendent Jason Martinez was not complete! The question needs to be addressed, why do the taxpayers put up with continued dysfunction from the School Administration and School Board? One Board member is quoted as saying that he still has faith in Superintendent Valentino! Really???!!! Where does APS leadership put God? Pray for our children and teachers! ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL The buck stops at  Superintendent Valentino’s desk! He is the man in charge. Valentino needs to be held accountable. Who is lying? Who is telling the truth? God knows.

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