Taking Care of What God Has Given You, The Broken Window Theory, Revival Starts With You


Yesterday An Albuquerque police officer was stopped on our street and he thanked me for taking care of our property! He said the yard looks wonderful! I was out mowing.  He, like me believes in the broken window theory. Gotta keep our neighborhoods clean! Broken windows, litter and unkept property attracts crime. My Daddy taught me long ago to take care of what God has given me, my life, my health, my family, my friends, my work, my home, neighbors, my Church family, and all the blessings God has given me. It seems to me in this busy world people are constantly on Facebook, my posts are automatic from FGGAM, constantly on the phone, texting, etc…people are forgetting the foundations of life. We take so much for granted. Sharon and I live in a neighborhood where people help people. I am always sadden when I get a house call for help, that so many people do not know their neighbors! How sad! One of our neighbors, Mike, goes around spraying for weeds, not only on his property but ours and in the street! We have John who helps me keep our lawn mower running! Our neighbors pray for each other. We must remember revival starts with you and me, in our homes and neighborhoods! Amen! Don’t wait for your Church to start a revival, start on in your own home and neighborhood! What a blessing it will be! Amen! Start a revival in your home and neighborhood today! I sing praises to our Lord out in the yard when I am working! Try it! be Blessed and you will be a blessing!

Psalm 147:1 teaches us……..Praise the LORD. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!



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