Your Bible Boost: Remember, to whom we belong!


Your Bible Boost

March 25, 2015


Remember, to whom we belong!


BUSY?  WOW!  We are a very busy culture…appointments, schedules, activities, projects and maybe, just maybe church stuff!!  Being busy is no excuse for losing out on our witness to the world.  As Christians we are called to be in the world but not of it; light in darkness; salt.  Even IF our schedules are busy.


In the midst of so many worldly attractions and distractions, outspoken critics and outright persecutions, we Christians are called to rise about it all.  We are God’s ambassadors to a conflicted, confused and morally deprived world.  We are His hands and feet.  May I offer some suggestions as to our response in this world?


The call comes from I Peter 4:8-11, “above all, love each other deeply”.  When we are persecuted we respond in love.  When we face critical situations or individuals, we respond in love.  When the world accuses of us of being “fanatical”, “out dated” or even “weird”, yep…we are to respond in love.  So how do we do that?


  1. Offer ourselves without grumbling.  I Peter 4:9

Ouch, that one hurts.  Griping, complaining, grumbling, murmurring are out. 

 Love and encouragement are in.


  1. Use your talents and gifts to impact others.  I Peter 4:10

However God has blessed you through talents and abilities we are to use them to serve and bless others. 


  1. Encourage one another.  I Peter 4:11

“if anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words

of God.”  Wow!  Just think about it!  We are God’s mouth and voice.  What an awesome responsibility for each of us.


  1. Serve one another.  I Peter 4:11

“if anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides”.

I know many times we don’t “feel” like serving.  But God provides the strength and the encouragement to continue on in our service to others.


So, why do Christians respond in these ways?  Love rather than hate?  Service rather than offense?  Encouragement rather than criticism?  Thankfulness rather than complaining?


It’s found in I Peter 4:11…READ IT REAL SLOW! 

“so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ”.


Did you get it?  Read it again!


So, even though we are frazzled, busy, overwhelmed, stressed, and scheduled…




Remember, to whom you belong.  Does our walk and our talk bring praise, honor and glory to HIM?


Pastor Leonard Navarre

Valley View Christian Church

Edgewood, NM 87015god-is-love

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