What Can We Learn About God From Our Dogs?

Buff and Reno were just as special as Daisy. They teamed together to provide a powerful loving team of sharing the love of JESUS for years. Buffy and Reno are so missed.

Reno laying on BuffySometimes when life weighs you down, you need to take a minute to laugh – and our pets can be a source of laughter and encouragement. Pictured above is Reno laying on Buffy right before she passed away on Feb. 6th, 2015..This picture PREACHES! LOVE, COMPASSION, LOYALTY AND MORE! I have been taught so much by my first dog Zip, then Brownie, Buffy and Reno! They have made me a better man of God, softening my heart, having the heart of Jesus, being thankful for everything, showing me everyday, love, loyalty, compassion, forgiveness….and much more. As Buffy passed away it was truly amazing to watch Reno and his love for her.  I have promised to write a book, “What My Dogs Have Taught Me” before the Lord calls me home! Amen!

We want to thank Marilyn Johnson Hagen of Cloquet, Minnesota for sending this to FGGAM! PRAISE GOD! Thank you Marilyn! God Bless you and Milt! buffy and Reno

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