Calling The Body of Christ


Dear Family of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Have you ever responded to something then regret it? I sure have! One thing I have learned over the years in my relationship with Jesus Christ and His teachings is this: Not every action, word or question deserves a reply. Be careful with your words, stand firm in God. Do not be in a hurry to answer.
Proverbs 17:27 teaches us….Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Many are in a hurry to give an answer, it is a habit of us humans. We don’t give God time to work. What do I mean by that? Let God work, give room for God, don’t try to fix the situation right away. You never know what God wants you or the other person, or persons, to learn!
I get attacked almost everyday for my Biblical stances. I know it is hard at times not to respond quickly, but we have GOD! Remember you cannot reason with a fool. My Daddy used to say not every comment deservesdave a response. Proverbs 26:4 teaches us….Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him. You will find that the closer your relationship with Jesus Christ, the easier it is.
John 1: 10-13 teaches us…..He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. I tell people I want you so close to Jesus Christ, that if He chewed gum, you could tell me what flavor!

Hello Dewey,

My brother-in-law passed away unexpectedly on the 20th of
February. The family is very saddened by this loss, but my heart especially
goes out to my sister Jean who is disabled with MS and who now finds herself
alone and living in Clovis NM where she knows no one. We are hoping to one day
get her moved closer to family, but right now that is not feasible. This is
especially scary because she does not have transportation. She does have phone
communication, but she is limited on electronic communication because she does
not have a good working computer. The family is doing everything we can to
emotionally and financially assist her through this tough time, but
unfortunately we need to prioritize our resources. We are holding off on trying
to find her a vehicle at this time and leaning more toward her using the bus
service in town, because we just don’t know if she can afford the insurance on a
vehicle. However, we are trying to find her a computer.
So, I am reaching
out to you to see if you know anyone in your community that may have a good
working computer that they are no longer in need of and would be willing to
donate to my sister Jean.praise Him

Please pray for my sister Jean, and also please
pray for my mother Sandy who is also struggling through this difficult time.
She just closed on a house in Florida on February 6th. She is moving to Florida
because my brother lives in Florida and has recently been diagnosed with
Progressive MS (this makes two in the family with MS…which, is a rare
occurrence). On the 10th of February, my uncle from Florida came to New Mexico
and moved 95% of my mothers belongings to her Florida home. However, with the
recent death of my brother-in-law on the 20th of February, she is now very torn
between being in New Mexico closer to my recently widowed sister Jean with MS or
in her new house in Florida near my brother with Progressive MS. As torn as she
may be…the ball is already in play…she has already purchased the home in
Florida and her house in Rio Rancho is basically empty and up for sale. Please
pray that my mother has a very safe trip to Florida in the
near future and
that her house in Rio Rancho sells very soon so that she will have the money to
move my sister Jean to Florida also.

Thank you,

Merry Bigelow in Rio Rnacho, NM

Let the body of Christ come together and aid this family, in Jesus name, Amen!

Please call Merry at 505-620-8810 to help.

I know Merry’s family they are a strong Christian family. Let us cover them in our prayers, in Jesus name, Amen!

1 Corinthians 12 teaches us………For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. …prayer


Please listen to our latest radio program with New Mexico Watchman and FGGAM Board Member Jose Vasquez as we talk about anti-abortion legislation that is in the New Mexico Legislature, click on the headline below please:

The World We Live In Radio Podcast 3-2-15 with Pastor Dewey Moede


An interview I once did with him may offer some clues.

By Joel C. Rosenberg (@joelcrosenberg on Twitter)

(Washington, D.C., March 3, 2015) — Greetings from the AIPAC Policy Conference. AIPAC stands for the “American Israel Public Affairs Conference.” I have been to many of these over the past 25 years in Washington. But this is one for the ages.

There was a tumultuous reception here on Monday for Israel’s Prime Minister from the 16,000 delegates. I lost track of the number of standing ovations. It was moving to be a part of (Israeli leaders rarely receive standing O’s anywhere else in the world, including in Israel.) The Prime Minister thanked America for our long-standing strategic alliance and called for bipartisanship in preventing Iran from building The Bomb.

Please be praying for the PM, his wife Sara and his team as they prepare for the speech to the Joint Session of Congress on Tuesday at 11am eastern. Thanks. I have been invited to attend the speech, and hope to provide details and analysis via Twitter, and later on this blog and in various media interviews.

For now I can tell you there is so much political tension and spiritual warfare in this city. We really need to be faithfully praying for Israel’s leaders, as well as for America’s leaders — for wisdom and discernment and for healing between our governments.

We are witnessing the most dramatic and unsettling clash in the 66 year history of the U.S.-Israel relationship.

President Obama is setting the stage for an historic and painful showdown — not with our enemy, Iran, but with our best friend and ally in the Middle East, Israel.

The President is signaling he is ready to give Iranian leaders most of what they want in the nuclear negotiations, and that he has no intention of meeting with Israel’s top leaders or listening to their deep concerns.

The big question is: amidst this political and media firestorm, why does Netanyahu want to address Congress?

An interview I did with the Prime Minister several years ago may offer some clues. I’ve posted excerpts from that interview on the blog. I’d encourage you to read it as you continue to pray over this whole situation. Thanks.



Dear Friends:

It is with great excitement about God’s love for the people of Israel and her neighbors that I cordially invite you to join us for The Joshua Fund’s next “Prayer & Vision Tour Of The Holy Land.”

The Israel portion of the tour will be October 14-25, 2015.

And for the first time ever, we will lead an optional additional tour to the Biblical sites of the Kingdom of Jordan for those who want to extend their time and learn more. This will be from October 25-29, 2015.

If you have never been to the Holy Land, it is hard to describe what a profound spiritual effect such a journey can have on you and your family. You may have heard others say God’s Word seemed to “come alive” in a new way when they walked where Jesus walked, from the shores of Galilee to the Mount of Olives and into the streets of Jerusalem. Well, it’s true, and I believe our 2015 Israel trip will allow you to experience this for yourself and intensify your desire to walk more closely with Jesus Christ.

If you have been to Israel before, this trip will be a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of how powerfully the Lord is moving there. And this tour is like no other!

• You will visit The Joshua Fund’s warehouse and participate in a practical ministry project to bless the poor and needy.

• You will have the opportunity to meet with and pray for local pastors and ministry leaders on the frontlines of the faith.

• You will have the opportunity to hear solid Bible teaching, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all the people of the epicenter, and have the joy of worshipping the Lord in the land of Jesus, the prophets and the apostles.

• I will also teach at key locations and answer your questions about the future of the Epicenter.

• And, as I mentioned, for those who want to learn more, we are offering our first-ever extension to visit Biblical and historic sites in Jordan such as Mount Nebo, Petra and the capital of Amman.

Now more than ever, it is vitally important for Christians to “learn, pray, give and go” — to really learn how much God loves the people of Israel, Jordan and the region; to pray with and for Jews and Arabs; to give to ministries that are truly blessing people on both sides in the name of Jesus; and actually go to the Holy Land to stand with these dear people in these challenging times.

To learn more about this Prayer & Vision Tour of the Holy Land — to get your questions answered, and to register — please click here.

Please prayerfully consider coming to visit the Land we love and now call our home to meet the people we love and now call our neighbors. We would love to see you there!

Yours to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus,
Joel C. Rosenberg
Founder and Chairman of The Joshua Fund

[To learn more about the trip — and to register — please go to the blog, or to]



Amidst the horrific attacks by ISIS terrorists in Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, France, and elsewhere, Christians throughout North America and around the world are asking many questions. Who is ISIS? What do they believe? What do they want? How serious is the threat to us? Is it true that genocidal conditions are emerging for Christians in the Middle East? And is there any good news? How can the Church advance the Gospel amongst Muslims?

I am pleased to announce that Tyndale House Publishers, In:ciite Events and I are partnering to present a special simulcast event on Sunday evening, April 19th, to answer these questions. You, your small group, and/or your church — small, medium, or large — can register now to view the simulcast and to share the message with family, friends and neighbors.

Full details are available at the link at the bottom of this email, and on the blog.



* As Netanyahu prepares to address Congress, top Senate Democrat blasts Obama’s Iran policy. Stage set for painful showdown. Please pray.

* The biggest threat now is not Radical Islam. It is “Apocalyptic Islam.” Let me explain. (Excerpts from my address to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention)

* Elie Wiesel, Joe Lieberman and Alan Dershowitz call on Democrats to attend Israeli Prime Minister’s speech to Congress next week. (Please call your Congressman and urge him/her to attend.)

* BREAKING: President caving to Iranian nuclear demands, despite poll showing 80% of Americans fear “Second Holocaust” if Iran gets The Bomb. What should be our policy towards Iran’s nuclear program?

[To read these and other stories, or to order THE THIRD TARGET — or to find links to the latest news and analysis of events and trends in the U.S., Israel, North Africa, Russia, and the Middle East — please go to:]

PRAYER NEEDS — please pray for….

* A Third Great Awakening — a sweeping spiritual revival — in the U.S. and Canada.

* The peace of Jerusalem — geopolitical but also spiritual peace through the Prince of Peace

* The Palestinian people in Gaza to be liberated from the reign of terror imposed by Hamas and other terrorist groups

* Israeli, Egyptian and Jordanian leaders to have wisdom to know how best to protect their citizens going forward and live in quiet and calm with their neighbors

* The President of the United States and his top advisors to have a change of heart and to truly stand unequivocally with Israel, America’s best friend and most faithful ally in the Mideast

* The President and other nations to know how best to prevent Iran from building nuclear weapons, defeat ISIS and stop the genocide, and prevent terror attacks on the U.S. and our allies

* Persecuted in Christians throughout the epicenter to be brave and bold for Christ and faithful lights amidst such darkness

* The protection of moderate Arabs and other Muslims in the region from Radical Islam, particularly in Jordan

* The Lord to strengthen His Church and reveal His Word and the transforming power of the Gospel to all the people of the epicenter, and that the Father would draw them to His Son

* The Joshua Fund to have the wisdom to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, as the Lord guides and provides


* TWITTER — Please track the latest developments @joelcrosenberg.
BLESS ISRAEL & HER NEIGHBORS — AND COME ON A TOUR OF ISRAEL & JORDAN: Would you prayerfully consider giving a generous, tax-deductible gift to THE JOSHUA FUND? Come help us educate and mobilize Christians around the world about God’s love and plan Israel and her neighbors; provide food, medical supplies and other humanitarian relief to the poor and needy, to Holocaust survivors, and to widows and orphans; teach the Scriptures throughout Israel and the epicenter; strengthen the Church in the epicenter; and assist ministries helping Syrian & Iraqi refugees. Thanks so much, and may the Lord bless you and your family as you invest in the work of The Joshua Fund at this critical time. (
To order THE THIRD TARGET in hardcover, e-book, and audio formats, please click here (or visit your favorite bookstore).
To read Joel’s blog, please click here —
To learn more about the SPECIAL SIMULCAST on ISIS & Radical Islam — or to register — please click here.
PRAYER & VISION TRIP TO ISRAEL, AND JORDAN EXTENSION TOUR: To learn more, and to register, please click here

May God Bless you and yours forever and ever, Dewey, Sharon, Family and FGGAM Team


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