True Love


Steve HopkinsPicture is of Dr. Steve Hopkins checking on Buffy. I wanted to share a picture of true love with you, at the bottom of this post. Buffy, our oldest doggy passed onto doggy heaven late yesterday afternoon. The picture is of little Reno showing his love for his adopted Mommy, Buffy, before her passing. What can we all learn from this picture? There is purity in the love that dogs have. I pray that purity over all of mankind. God teaches is in His word in Proverbs 12:10: A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal. That is a command by our Lord as He gave us our animals not only for joy, but to teach us what true love is, what true loyalty is, what true honesty is…..I also say to all of us if we think our animals love us, times that by a billion and that is not even close to how much the Lord loves you and I. Buffy lived a wonderful 14 years. She helped me in ministry by showing others love, she melted the hearts of many to open the door to the one true God. Buffy really administered love to people with cancer showing them love.  As my friend Sonja Hademan told me, “Beginnings and endings are always the hardest…..what’s in between is the best!” Amen…..Buffy’s in between was sweet as cake, she gave much. Everyone loved Buffy, from babies to the elderly…she showed them love. Sharon and I and Reno will carry on here at FGGAM to soften hearts for our Lord Jesus Christ. Our thanks to Dr. Steve Hopkins, who is retired but wanted to be with Buffy as he was her first vet, and Dr. Kacie Martin of VCA Wyoming here in Albuquerque for coming to assist Buffy and us at our home. Dr. Steve and Kacie showed us the true meaning of compassion. We thank the Lord for such friends.  We also thank the many other friends that we have that have shown their love to us and understand the true love bond between man, women and doggies. Buffy went so very peacefully……….just as she went through life, peaceful and loving. Thank YOU Lord for your creation, Thank you for your gift to us of animals. Pictured below Reno hugging Buffy goodbye, and then a picture of Buffy taken a few months ago. In closing I want to encourage us to love more, show the world the love of Jesus Christ, have more compassion for each other and what people are going through, be honest with each other, most of all be obedient to God, be fully obedient to God’s Word. Show the World the one true God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Walk the walk of Jesus Christ. Buffy has made my faith in Jesus Christ stronger than ever, Buffy has helped me become a much better man of God. Amen.

Read this from my wife Sharon:

One Paw in Heaven

Reno on BuffyBuffy Monday


  1. Praying for you this morning dear brother. Wishing you peace and comfort that we both have experienced through Christ our Lord. Love ya friend. Hugs to you and Sharon today and in the coming days. Tell Reno Shari says hey ;)

  2. My precious brother and Pastor Dewey… Your carry a strength and the calm through this that only God can provide… I join in the celebration of God’s creation which He shared with you and us for so very many years… Buffy was a true precious minister to His love and care throughout who you know ministered to me for the last couple years… While I will miss her dearly I take joy in knowing she will never again suffer the ills of the world and now shares God’s green pastures made just for her and all His other little ministers… I pray peace, mercy and comfort over you and the entire family during this time of transition… With all our deepest love to you all, Rick, Sandy, family and all our precious little four legged ministers… God Bless You All !!!!!!

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